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Posts posted by crosswalker

  1. Hey Rick,

    I just updated to 3.0 beta 1 and was thinking. The installer as it is now seems to be bigger than necessary as far as windows size and quantity goes. Would it be possible to make a small installer, like google desktop's, where the window consists of a logo, status bar, and perhaps a couple check boxes and a text bar for path (minus the latter for the updater). Also, all of that would be contained in one window instead of the current two window setup. As the title says, it's not a critical thing, just a thought. Great job with 3.0!

  2. 1st ?: Be a bit more specific. The cutting tool is pretty simple as it is. Are you looking for an auto edge finding cutting tool? If so, nope, not yet.

    2nd ?: It sounds like your using a rather inefficient method of outlining an image(if that's what you're trying to achieve). To the get the results that I think your going for, Just do the following:

    Original is a lightning orbish thing I made a loooong time ago in PDN 2.6:


    1 - Select the background layer

    2 - Press ctrl+A to select the whole layer, then press delete to make it all transparent(gray checkerboard represents transparency in PDN and most other programs)

    3 - Paste in the picture that you want outlined.

    4 - Create a new layer


    5 - On that new layer, draw the figure that you want the outline to be.



    6 - Using the magic wand, select the outside of the figure or (if you want to be more perfectionist) trace the figure in roughly the middle of the outline with the lasso select tool and press ctrl+i to select the outside of the figure. (basically, what you want to do here is select the portion that you want deleted)

    Note: I made the selected portion green, so that you could see it.


    7 - Select the layer that has your original picture in it.

    8 - Press delete to clear the portion that you previously selected and voilla you have an outlined picture.


    Hope that helps!

  3. Probably your best bet would be to pick the color that you want to use and draw different shapes and/or lines on a new layer (so that you can change the background color later easily). Once you've done that, play with the different blurs (radial blur, motion blur and possibly zoom blur would be your best bet). Try different settings and make more than one layer of color blurs to increase complexity.

  4. I don't want to further annoy people with arguments but I must throw in my bit of information, just in case it deters some bad PR for PDN.

    I would NEVER use a paint program that doesn't support some form of vector drawing. Why? Because vector drawings/layers allow you to outline ANY raster objects for the purpose of precise antialiased vector selections. Really, there is no better way of doing this than using splines handles with curve, cusp, symetric, asymetric, curve, and line vector nodes.

    sysrpl: I think pretty much everyone would aggree that this is a statement, not an attack, but also not a request. fair enough?

    Ok, so don't use Paint.NET then.

    sysrpl: That is all Rick said, period. with me so far? Rick was simply responding to your statement with a statement not a personal attack or a "psh, I don't care about your request." He responded with a simple, non aggressive, statement. PDN wasn't designed for vector images. Actually, if you want to get techinical, your statement didn't even ask for a response, but Rick was kind enough to give you a response so that you could find a program that does support vector graphics (like inkscape).

    In Summary:

    1: Don't expect an answer when you don't ask a question.

    2: If someone is kind enough to you to reply to your statement, don't fly off the handle and start accusing people of being unfriendly and having a bad community.

    3: Don't publicly diss a program because of what you experienced(or think you experienced) on a forum. People are fallable, they're not perfect, don't expect everyone to say exactly the right thing all the time. If you're representing a program, do just that, represent the program, not its developers.


  5. I was just working on an image tonight and, while trying to minimize interferance from the colors, layers, etc. windows, I thought it would be really handy if you could drag the canvas around the screen. Instead of having it always centered, it would be sometimes beneficial to be able to move it to, say the top of the workspace. Just a thought


  6. On-Topic: If you want to do a watermark probably the best solution would be to simply shrink the pic to whatever size you want it to be, stick it on a new layer, and adjust the transparency.

    off-topic - trickman: I think color to alpha takes the intensity of the color and converts it to alpha but the rgb values stay the same. but like, if you had gray selected, gray would be completely transparent (or opaque, haven't used gimp in a while) and then the alpha value would drop off based on the intensity of gray in all other selected pixels.

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