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Everything posted by Entropiness

  1. Thank you very much ! I've signed up to crowdin, and posted in the forum my request to join to the translation project.
  2. Hi, I would like to contribute to translation of Paint.net, starting modestly with some minor corrections, and why not, later on, on new features translations. Thank you. Crowdin name: Entropiness Language: French (fr-FR)
  3. Exactly ! (it also creates a temporary file for me) Downgrading just to version 4.3.4 also works fine (for me).
  4. No possibility to save PNG files anymore with version 4.3.6 (same for JPG, didn't tried other formats). Following message is displayed after entering the filename, and never disappears. No possibility to close it, neither to quit the application properly (needed to kill the process manually).
  5. Sniff 😥 A brand new version 4.3.6 has been released, and translations still not updated... 😥
  6. Hello BoltBait, Thank you for your answer. Maybe there is a misunderstanding (the captures are the real ones as of today, not the translations I propose). So, I confirm that translations I propose are not the same : In french, "Déplacer le calque tout en bas" (Move Layer to Bottom) is different from "Déplacer le calque vers le bas" (Move Layer Down). The same as "Déplacer le calque tout en haut" (Move Layer to Top) is different from "Déplacer le calque vers le haut" (Move Layer Up). And, as you said, it is a big difference 🙂 ! So I confirm my translations : "Move Layer to Top" should be translated to "Déplacer le calque tout en haut". "Move Layer to Bottom" should be translated to "Déplacer le calque tout en bas". ("Move Layer Up" and "Move Layer Down" are correctly translated, and do not need to be changed) Thank you. E.
  7. Dear Paint.net team (and French translator), There is a minor translation issue, about Layer management: - "Move Layer to Top" should be translated to "Déplacer le calque tout en haut". - "Move Layer to Bottom" should be translated to "Déplacer le calque tout en bas". Translation should be applied both in Main menu and in Layer commands tooltips (see capture attached).
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