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  1. Is there any way I can "dry run" the installer to figure this out? I do not want to modify my current environment just to figure this out. Or can you list the specific entries it modifies?
  2. Yes, from Windows Key + R -> cmd.exe -> Ctrl + Shift + Enter -> UAC Prompt: I get: And from Start -> Visual Studio 2022 -> Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 -> Right Click -> More -> Run as administrator -> UAC Prompt: And yes, I do have paint.net installed portably so I can move it to a new computer (copying over %APPDATA%) without having to reinstall it (makes setting up a new PC easier).
  3. How do I register PaintDotNet.ShellExtension.x64.dll manually? regsvr32 does not like it (missing `DllRegisterServer` entry point),and regasm requires a C# DLL.
  4. How do I register it manually? regsvr32 does not like it (missing `DllRegisterServer`), and regasm requires a C# DLL.
  5. No, sadly that does not help. This post is not of an issue of no thumbnails appearing. Thumbnails for any other type of file format work perfectly fine on my install. I know thumbnails for .pdn files will work if I "install" Paint.NET but I wish to use the portable version instead, therefore I did not install it and therefore do not have thumbnail functionality for .pdn files, hence why I made my own ShellExtension to do this instead (so I dont have to install paint.net). And still... my original question was... which subforum do I post about such ShellExtension I made?
  6. No, the thumbnails do not work on portable versions (I like to have Paint.NET in %APPDATA%). So I wrote an extension to do it because Paint.NET's extension just didn't want to work unless "installed". Also, I still do not know where to post this...
  7. What I wrote is not a plugin but relates to Paint.NET. It gives thumbnails for .pdn files. The source is on github... but I dont know what subforum to make a forum post of about it here. Which subforum would I post this under?
  8. What do you mean by "When it's as large as allowed"? What exactly specifies as the "allowed" size here? Random Size Min and Random Size Max for Jitter don't seem to affect this.
  9. Bump - It would be nice to show a dialog to ask to load mipmaps... but Id like to know if its ok to do it (or its against "what not to do in a plugin" rules)
  10. Bump - I would really like an answer to this, as I care about the encapsulation of my classes (neatness and code organization)
  11. How much parts of a plugin needs to be public? Like, what needs to be public so paint.net can see it from the assembly? As in: SaveConfigWidget: public or can be internal? SaveConfigToken: public or can be internal? IPluginSupportInfo: public or can be internal? IFileTypeFactory: public or can be internal? FileType: public or can be internal?
  12. @otuncelli How do I set the max size that way?
  13. How exactly do I use ProgressEventHandler? There is only a progress value for ProgressEventArgs. There is no way to get and set the max progress...
  14. This doesn't seem to be available for SaveConfigWidget, as well as even using System style for controls.
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