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Posts posted by dipstick

  1. The word "Best" is a relative term. What's one man's trash is another man's treasure. As far as free image editors go, I like PDN best. Not because it is very easy to use, but because of all the very good free plugins available for it. I have and use three free image editors (PhotoShop, Gimp and PDN) and yes Adobe gave away a free version of PhotoShop (9) CS2. I use PDN about 90% of the time.


    I have them all installed in Linux. I don't use Windows much anymore.

  2. Hallo everybody!

    What is the effect of the DPI value you can see in the application report (see file attached)?

    It is set to 96 DPI, and I am afraid this is why when I resize an image having a high resolution the result is not as it should be.

    Example: I have a picture with 300 DPI and over 1200px width. I resize it (I shrink it) without changing the resolution and the effect on screen is a bit blurrier as expected...

    Maybe this is a pre-setting I can adjust?



    Please explain how you can "resize it (I shrink it) without changing the resolution"?

    DPI values are irrelevant to an image editor (or video editor for that matter), only pixel resolution is important. DPI is only important for printing purpose. If your image became blurred after resizing, it's because of the resize algorithm used.

  3. Recently someone PM'd me about how to install PDN v3.5.11 in Linux under Wine. I decided to post instructions here in case anyone else wanted to know.

    1) Install Wine. (get it from your distro's s/w repository)
    2) Install playon linux. (get it from your distro's s/w repository)
    3) Run Playon Linux and create a 32-bit XP virtual drive.
    4) Use Playon Linux to install “dotnet40” (DotNet 4.0) on that virtual drive.
    5) Use Playon Linux to install “gdiplus” on that virtual drive.  
    6) Use Playon Linux to install PDN 3.5.11 (It's the latest PDN version I can get running) on that virtual drive.

    That should create a PDN shortcut on your desktop that you can use to open PDN. You can also drag an image into the shortcut.
    Good luck.

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