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Everything posted by iamnoob

  1. Well that sucks. But I could still buy a cheap copy of 7/8 and upgrade for free that way, right?
  2. I still don't even know if I'll qualify for the free upgrade. Asked on Windows' Twitter, but the responses weren't helpful. Everyone talks about upgrading on the same machine but nobody seems to ask about upgrading to a whole new PC. I plan to custom build a new PC when Windows 10 is released, so, do I get Windows 10 for free? Nobody seems to know. But I do plan to upgrade ASAP if possible.
  3. I know you just uploaded a new version, but I'll still post the crash logs if you want. I just need to know where they're located; can't find them. Gonna try the new version and will report back if any issues. Edit: Same issue as before. Will PM you.
  4. This plugin caused my PDN to crash earlier and just now caused to hang to where I had no choice but to force-close with task manager. Sorry I'm not saying more, but not sure what info is needed. P.S. - Are there any other plugins similar to this one I can use in the meantime?
  5. I see. If I printscreen a color off the internet that is listed as having a specific amount of saturation/brightness/etc., paste into PDN, use the color picker and the values are displayed as something else, am I not getting the same exact color from the internet? I mean, it looks the same to me, but the values are different(and not just by one point, sometimes by several), so I'm just curious.
  6. So, this actually isn't a bug and there's no way to "fix" it?
  7. I've noticed this for awhile now: PDN almost always adds or subtracts one saturation/lightness/etc. point from what you select. For example, say I change a green color's saturation to 50 and then add it to my canvas; if I select a different color first(this seems to "reset" it somehow) and then re-select that green color, chances are it will display either 49/51 saturation instead of the 50 I chose. This happens almost always and should be easy to reproduce.
  8. I actually noticed this awhile back with Windows Photo Viewer, too. No clue why, but the colors look different there than anywhere else, which leads me to believe it's Windows Photo Viewer adjusting the colors, not other programs.
  9. Hmm. Interesting. But, before possibly having to rely on downloading other programs to accomplish this task, is there not a good way to do it in Paint.NET? Oh, and I just realized there's Google Sheets by Google... would that work?
  10. But since it saves each pixel and we're talking 400+ 34x34 icons, won't it save 27k+ colors? Wouldn't that be hard to simply delete the duplicates from that huge of a number? Also, I don't think I have MS Excel(is it free and does it come with Windows 7?).
  11. I probably should have been more specific about these icons, sorry about that... but they're actually 34x34, pixel art icons. So, a lot of colors are reused(typical pixel art doesn't use many colors) and there is no anti-aliasing. I mean, I could just manually pick out each color with the color picker, but that would take a long time. I'm just hoping there's a simple-ish way for Paint.NET to extract each unique color from the image. Are there 20 unique blues? I want them. 14 unique yellows? I want those. Etc., etc..
  12. I see now. Download the plugin and tested. It says my image contains over 2,600 colors, which I don't think is correct. Is it showing only unique colors or duplicates, too? For example, let's say I used this plugin on an image containing three different objects using the same exact yellow... will it show only one yellow - the one being used by all objects - or three yellows, even though it's the same exact shade of yellow? And how does it decide which colors to get rid of when you lower the color count? Does it always keep the most common colors or something? Not sure what that first line means. Sorry. =/ But as far as extracting each pixel - ahhh. 0_0 I definitely don't wanna do that. I only want to extract each unique color being used in my image, not each pixel.
  13. Interesting plugin. Not sure how I missed it after checking all of yours. But anyway, if the image I'd like to extract from contains more than 96 unique colors, it would delete the rest or something? Or, I guess it would do this: "If reduced to less than 1000 Colors you can edit the color table." - but I'm not sure exactly what that means. Well, the main thing is that plugin seems to be sorta buggy. I posted the issues in the thread. And since it's buggy, I can't help but wonder if it's extracting properly. Also, I'm just generally curious what other options are out there for extracting colors from images. What exactly do you mean by "customize the output"? The plugin looks interesting, though. From what I can tell, it will basically save the colors of your image into a text file? So, this is basically extracting each color like I'm asking for? Or am I misunderstanding how it works?
  14. I've been using this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15318-palette-from-image-tool-20091111/, which works pretty well overall, but I'm wondering if there's an even better way to go about extracting colors from an image. Basically, for example, I have an image of 400+ icons that I wish to extract each -unique- color from and turn it into a palette. What would be the best way to go about doing this?
  15. Both of these methods are great. Thanks so much. It keeps amazing me how I think Paint.NET can't do this or that when really, I just don't know how to do it.
  16. Oh wow, that works even better. Thank you! One thing, though: is there a simple-ish way to apply this effect to specific areas? Like, let's say I wanted to apply this to the edges of an oddly shaped object; how would I go about doing so? The most "free" selection tool seems to be the lasso, but it's really awkward. Basically, I guess I'm asking if there's an easy way to isolate the edges of an object, even if it's oddly shaped. @Cc4FuzzyHuggles: Yeah, I saw that, but wasn't sure it would work. Is it similar to the frosted glass method Bolt posted above? Or does it work better? Maybe I'll give it a try.
  17. There's a program(not sure if I'm allowed to mention the name) that has a "jumble" tool which allows you to do this: Notice how where the dark and light meet is completely straight. By selecting the program's "Jumble" tool and mousing it over the meeting area, it randomly pixelates it. Is there a tool/plugin/something I can use in Paint.NET to achieve this effect?
  18. Is there a quick, easy way to do this? I know you can edit the file, but is there a way to just remove a color from an active palette in the program and save it? Or something along those lines?
  19. It's also adding pure black and a transparent color when they are not in the image palette for some reason:
  20. I can only extract image palettes upon Paint.NET's initial star-up. Meaning, I start up Paint.NET, load an image, use this plugin and it works as expected; if I attempt to load another image and repeat, the plugin does nothing. I have to close Paint.NET, re-open it, then open the second image and use the plugin in order to extract the palette. If I want to extract palettes from multiple images without having to constantly close and re-open Paint.NET, seems I would have to add the separate images into one, "master" image and then use this plugin. Not sure why this is the case, but it is. Maybe it's just me? Maybe because the plugin hasn't been updated in awhile? Idk. P.S. - I, too, crashed upon selecting the palettes folder for the first time. Haven't crashed since, though.
  21. Ahhh, it's the anchoring I didn't consider. I did try resizing, but not anchoring. Now it works fine. Thanks! P.S. - By "anchor", do you mean just use the move tool and place it in the corner? Because that's what I did.
  22. Could someone please help me; am trying to test this plugin but every filter from it makes my image off-center, like this: Original, before plugin: Every filter of this plugin does this to it: Am I doing something wrong?
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