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Everything posted by Paj

  1. Why I can't open just a png? It is not see pngs in Documents\Paint.NET User Files\Custom Brushes in plugin. Oh. I fixed my problem.
  2. @Spectre Easy. Filling up image with shadow color.
  3. @Spectre, Nope. I found way with colored shadows for trails. Just need to make 3 layers: 1. Background 2. Thing that you need to make shadowed with color of shadow. 3. Thing that you need to make shadowed with normal color. And do trail with second layer. Simple! And for me it better than outline. I tried with it.
  4. Hello, I'm suggesting/requesting plugin that should make long flat/minimalist shadow like this one for photoshop. But for pdn! Examples: here. And my avatar: Not default drop shadow plugin! If there is already something like this give me download/thread link to it here!
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