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select tool problems jpeg saving image print screen...

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Please help,

This did not happen in the last paint.net software and i am not sure whats going on

anyways the new rectangle select tool is not clear and see through #1 like it was...its all blackish blue when i select an area and it covers it up. same for any selection tool...

it seems to still copy and paste an image , however when i saved a jpeg file...it only saved the text and not the picture area that I had selected...

im uploading the image here:


Shawn Edward Strickland

"The Strickalator"

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no theres no layers...just the 1 layer....the selection too is all goofy and has a black blue color when selecting text

in fact now no matter what image type i save it in .....none of my images are being saved...

i did a print screen from windows media player and saved an image but the image saved is just all black now

seems to be windows media player....i cant print screen and save an image ...even while its paused...it was working before and it stopped working

EDIT >>> Ok well I still have this blue box when using selection tool...its like your making a rectangle thats blue instead of using the selection tool...on a clear or transparent background the selection is light blue....but on a darker background it becomes dark blue and its not see through like it was before. I cant see the area i am selecting

EDIT #2 >>> Now I have confirmed that the problem is in trying to save a jpeg file format when you are cutting and pasting from a print screen using windows media player...any other print screen seems fine....i can save the image in any format except for jpeg...when saving an image from a print screen capture from windows media player

Shawn Edward Strickland

"The Strickalator"

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I figured it out...in order to take a still shot of any video in windows media player you have to disable overlays ....im not even sure i need overlays on for watching videos as it didnt seem to make a difference....

now i CAN take screenies and paste :)

Shawn Edward Strickland

"The Strickalator"

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The blue in the selection area is a tint fill to show you which area is selected. If you use a Selection tool, or a tool that manipulates the selection, the blue tint is visible. If you select a tool that manipulates or interacts with the pixels, like the Eyedropper or an Adjustment or Effect, the blue disappears so your view isn't occluded while you look at the pixels themselves.

Basically, it's just a visual indicator to let you know if what you're about to do will be manipulating the selection or manipulating the pixels.

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