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Ink sketch reversal plugin request

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Hey guys.

~Warning: I'm about to give a background paragraph. If you don't care, skip this paragraph.~

My name is Jordan. I've been using Paint.NET since 3.00 (I think--my memory is a bit rough). I've not done much in the field of photo editing, but I do make my own designs and artwork. A few of these (a very few) can be seen on my Photobucket account (which I'm too embarrassed to link to because it's so unorganized and hasn't been updated in months. Photobucket is a pain to work with when you have dial-up), although most of those were done when I was first learning how to use Paint.NET, so, they suck. Of course, I haven't gotten much better since then. Meh, Paint.NET's still a fun application to use, though. I first got interested in Paint.NET when I joined an e-fed, and saw how some people were using Photoshop to create graphics, and I wanted to do the same. Considering my name is not Black Beard (i.e. I'm not a pirate), nor do I have money/Internet speed to download Photoshop, I came to use Paint.NET by reading its Wiki article.

~Done shilling myself~

Anyway, I was wondering if it would be possible(keyword there) to reverse ink sketches, meaning that you're essentially bringing a sketch into a three-dimensional image just with the click of a button. Examples:



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