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Help--adding text to image file

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Sorry for posting such a simple question--I spent the last 30 minutes searching the forum with no luck.

I just downloaded Paint.net V3.0 today. I'm (obviously :lol: ) not a graphics wiz, but need to be able to take a TIFF or JPEG image, add text to it, and save it in one of those formats.

I've tried numerous times, and it always looks good in the program...I save it...then re-open the file in another program (like Adobe). The background goes from white to black, and the black text I added does not show.

I know its a stupid question, but I'm quite frustrated.

Can anyone kindly point this n00b to a tutorial, or tell me (as kindly as you can) what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you for your time.

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Sure thing. Open up your base image in PdN. Add a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Write your text how you want it. Flatten the image (Ctrl+Shift+F). Save your image (Ctrl+Shift+S).


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Does your image have any transparency in it? Do you see the grey and white checkerboard showing through your image?

Yes, I do see the grey and white checkerboard.

Buzzkill, as you can tell I'm very new to this. I really appreciate your help. Thank you :D

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Tiff and Jpeg do not support transparency. Before adding text of otherwise manipulating your source image is there any transparency?

Yes. The original images is a .PNG, and it does show the transparency (grey and white checkerboard).

Its the first image I've worked with that shows this checkerboard.

Thank you very much!

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You would need to save your final image as either a .PNG or a .GIF.

I prefer .PNG because the output from PDN is lossless (better quality) and the compression is still good (Smaller file size).

.JPEG and .TIFF don't know what to do with the transparent pixels so the image gets corrupted.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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One thing to note about PNG's and GIF's.

While GIF images do support transparency, It has to be completely transparent or completely opaque. There can be no in-between (semi-transparency).

PNG's, on the other hand, support semi-transparency.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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You would need to save your final image as either a .PNG or a .GIF.

I prefer .PNG because the output from PDN is lossless (better quality) and the compression is still good (Smaller file size).

.JPEG and .TIFF don't know what to do with the transparent pixels so the image gets corrupted.

Opened as a .PNG, added a layer (added text), flattened it, and saved as .PNG

Same result--no text and black background. :( :?:

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Perhaps this is directly related to the Adobe program you are using.

What happens when you try to open the same finished image in a different program such as IrfanView, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, or even re-opening it back up in PdN?


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Perhaps this is directly related to the Adobe program you are using.

What happens when you try to open the same finished image in a different program such as IrfanView, Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, or even re-opening it back up in PdN?

Good idea. I re-opened it in Paint, its great. Opened it with MS Photo Editor, its great. So far so good. I think you hit the nail on the head.

My adobe is an old lousy edition, which is why I'm really excited to use Paint.

Buzzkill and BarkBark, thank you both very much for all your help. It is wonderful that you two experts would take the time to help a n00b like me on this. :D:D:D

ETA--the problem is still there when I try and put the new image in FrontPage. I'm guessing it is a .PNG / FP compatibility issue?

ETA2--changed file format to .GIF, works great with FP.

You guys rule. Can't thank you enough.

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