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How is calculated the resulting color's alpha?

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Hello all, sorry I am new and need some help, it's not really related to Paint.NET usage, but how it calculate the resulting color:


For example I make red background, call it C1:


RGBA = 255, 0, 0, 255


Then I place a yellow pixel, call it C2:


RGBA: 220, 216, 0, 200


Then I use the Color Picker tool on this pixel, I get C3:


RGBA: 227, 169, 0, 255



I already know how to calculate R, G, and B of C3


R = ( (C2.A / 255) * C2.R ) + ( (1 - (C2.A / 255)) * C1.R ) = 227

G = ( (C2.A / 255) * C2.G ) + ( (1 - (C2.A / 255)) * C1.G ) = 169

B = ( (C2.A / 255) * C2.B ) + ( (1 - (C2.A / 255)) * C1.B ) = 0



But for the Alpha channel, it is different and I can't find how to calculate it!


Thanks for any help :)


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Of course, that was a bad example then... Ok another example.


C1 alpha is 128, C2 alpha is also 128, the resulting alpha is 192.




C1 alpha is 250, C2 alpha is 200, the resulting alpha is 254.


How to calculate this?



Edit: is this correct:


floor( 255 - ( ((255 / C1.A) * C2.A) + ((1 - (C2.A / 255)) * C1.A) ) )


But now I realized the other calcualtions are wrong...


Edit again: solved.

Edited by guix
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Of course, that was a bad example then... Ok another example.


C1 alpha is 128, C2 alpha is also 128, the resulting alpha is 192.

Alpha 128 is half opaque.

So, half opaque plus another half (of what's left) is three quarters opaque. 192 is three quarters of 255.


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