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Adding Fonts to PDN

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Paint.NET uses the same font list as the system, so to add a font to Paint.NET, it need only be installed to the Windows Fonts directory.

However, Paint.NET does not support OpenType font formats, only TrueType fonts, so I'm afraid the file you mentioned will not work.

I know there are ways to convert font files to different formats, but I've never tried converting from OTF to TTF for use in Paint.NET. What is the name of the font in question?

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Ooo...., that explains some other font issues I've been having elsewhere. No wonder....

The font I'm looking for is Charlemagne Volume ( http://www.fonts.com...roductid=215197 ). So then, I should search for TrueType fonts when I look for downloads, right?

EDIT: I think I found a TrueType version. Now to see if it works with PDN.

Edited by Moninca
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In general, yes, as TTF files will work straight away.

A quick Google search turned up this converter: http://www.freefontconverter.com/

I gave it a test with one of the OpenType fonts I had installed, replaced the OTF with the TTF version it gave me, and Paint.NET picked it up. So, if there's an OTF font you need to use in Paint.NET, try running it through the converter and installing the resulting TTF instead. Always keep the OTF version around in a folder somewhere, just in case you ever need the original.

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For some reason my computer won't let me convert the files. It says I need "Administrator Permission" to open the font folder, but won't actually ask for permission, like ususal. *scratches head*

The free download I found works.... sort of. Some of the letters seem to be missing in the bold version. Any suggestions on how to fix that one?

Thanks for the help so far. ^_^

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Regarding Administrator privileges, that will happen when trying to navigate to the Fonts folder from the browse dialog. I would suggest accessing the folder from Windows Explorer, copying the OTF in question, pasting it on your Desktop or somewhere else easily accessible, and uploading that copy.

Regarding the missing glyphs, I'm afraid I cannot help you there. I do not have that particular font, so I cannot toubleshoot. I would try converting a copy, installing that one, and seeing if the behavior continues.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

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