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Malleable shapes like the line/curve tool?

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One of the things I do a LOT is outline a circular object (in a photo) using the line/curve tool in a separate layer so that I can select the circular thing or everything else. Hope that made sense. Anyway, the thing is not exactly a circular and the line/curve tool works great but it would be nice to have a shape tool that would draw a circle that could be sized/positioned and slightly deformed using nibs (or nubs or whatever) similar to the line/curve tool.

Is there a way to do that with the built in shape tool? Or is there a plugin?

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You can make a circular outline using the Ellipse tool with Shift key down.

(Not Ellipse Select tool.)

No adjusting nubs, but you can make a Rectangle selection around the circle that you have made,

and adjust the size using the Move Selected Pixels tool :MoveTool: with Shift key down.

Edited by Sarkut
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