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What "portions" are copyright Microsoft?


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The PDN Licence states "Portions copyright Microsoft". There's no explicitly identified or identifyable source code sections that comes from Microsoft that I can see.

Is this just a blanket statement that refers to the Framework DLLs? If so then why include the above statement when all dotNET apps have to include the Framework?

Could you clarify this, and identify what, if any, code areas that are affected?



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We have developed a niche product that uses highly modified 2.1 code as the core display engine, along with proprietary DLLs, hardware and other added value.

The License terms are not a problem, except that "Portions" is way too vague. Hence we have to make sure we attribute any relevent parts (if any are in fact identifiable) to the correct source.


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I'm sorry but we can't get more detailed than what the licensing already states -- we do not keep track of which specific subset of the code is attributed to whom.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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