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Error 1603

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I uninstalled the prior version 3.36 and tried to install the new Beta. After the installer unpacked the files for installation it gets to a point where it says: The program is in use by a network, and it asks for an .msi file that it gives a number after the dash in Paint.Net_***********.msi. It goes to C:\Program Files\Paint.Net\Staging. Once there the file listed is not the file mentioned by the program. Then when you choose the .msi, in the staging folder the program cannot continue and uninstalls itself. Then a dialog box comes up saying fatal error 1603. BTW I have the .Net Framework needed for install. I use Windows Vista Home Premium 32 Bit, 8GB Ram, NVidia GeForce 9800 GT 1 GB DDR3 Video Ram, Intel Dual Core 3.20 GHz, SATA II 320GB hard drive. Never had a problem with any version before today. Don't really have any idea of what could cause this error. Did a manual registry clean and also ran CCleaner to be sure that all entries were removed. I rebooted and tried a clean install and received the same error. Also tried downloading the file from, Download.com, CCleaner, Neowin. All with the same error, didn't know where to go and look for the error code... Any help will be appreciated. The file it's looking for is: PaintDotNet_2069947587.msi. I did a search of my computer including the Registry with no results found. Found the file and did a rename. Program did the same thing and gave the same error. :roll:Does anyone know what Error 1603 is? Maybe I could work around what may be the problem until it's resolved.

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Yes, I have done all mentioned on the link listed. I didn't have a problem with uninstall, it won't let me install the newest version. Yesterday I found out through Microsoft that Error 1603 has something to do with the way Microsoft Installer works. In another posting I found a beta registry entry that updated Windows Vista Platform, what ever that means? I applied the update and did the Windows Update thing and then I tried to reinstall, same error. I downloaded the Windows Install Cleanup utility and the installer isn't listed. I found the 4.5 Microsoft Installer program that goes with this version of Vista. Have the fix I believe but cannot install over the Installer Program that is causing the problem? I have looked in all the normal places and I can't find it listed anywhere. If I find a solution to my situation I will come back and post what I found out and did to resolve the problem. Everything else works like normal, it installs updates, for software programs but, it just won't let me use the Paint program I like the most. Well thank you Sarkut for your assistance in trying to help resolve this problem.

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