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Hi guys here I'm going to show of my paint.NET skillz. I'm new here so I'd like that you guys are HARD for me so I learn with it. I'm not posting images if the images contains a person who I know in RL and I don't want that he/she is over internet so I keep them on my photobucketpage.

Some of them are made watching tuts, some aren't...

So far so goo I managed this (in cronological order):

1) dibardi.png

2) dibardi-1.png

3) dibardi1.png

4) http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g83/k ... effect.png

5) sora.png

Since, I'm a biginner I know already where my main mistakes are but if you have any other new remarks. SHOOT!

Actually, just say everything what I've done wrong with those images and what can I do with them too make them look better...

Kind Regards, dibardi, noobpaint.NET'er

3rd one is pretty good, but the shadow got cut off.

I know. xD

Is there a way that if I open that image again that I make back the shadow it suposses to be?

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