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Old Dirty distorted Look

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Hello I need some help,

Ive been using Paint.net to make flyer for my Sound System and slowly have been figuring things out all is good and much fun.

But I need help on getting a technique down Im looking to make an old, dirty look for my backgrounds.

Like this guys..http://www.flickr.com/photos/raphaelmor ... 778074217/

Any suggestions? Any plugins?

Hope to get some replies


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You could try this:

Add a new layer.

On that layer, Effects > Render > Clouds.

Then, Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast.

Turn the contrast up almost all the way and adjust the brightness to taste.

Press F4 (layer properties)

Adjust blending mode (try "multiply" or "color burn"?)

Adjust the Opacity for desired effect.

That should do it!

You can always go back to Render > Clouds and fiddle with settings for different patterns.

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