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paint.net 5.1 beta (build 9023)

Rick Brewster

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6 hours ago, _koh_ said:


Is PDN doing the same worth it. Like using INT8 just for sRGB.


PDN uses Flip+FP16 ("WAC mode") when three conditions are met: 1) Settings -> Windows Advanced Color is enabled (which is the default), and 2) the display is configured for HDR or WCG, and 3) hardware acceleration is enabled (also the default). This is the only way that you will see colors outside of sRGB's range/gamut.


PDN runs in "sRGB mode" and uses Flip+UInt8 when any of the opposite conditions are true: 1) Settings -> WAC is not enabled, or 2) the display is configured for SDR, or 3) hardware acceleration is disabled. In these cases, using an FP16 swapchain gains nothing because Windows will convert it to UInt8 anyway in the compositor (DWM).


The color profile of the current image does not affect any of this, it only affects internal optimizations (e.g. skipping certain parts of the processing pipelines). If PDN is running in "sRGB mode" then it will say so in Settings -> Color Management.


Internally, PDN renders using FP16 scRGB (linear gamma) except when hardware acceleration is disabled. So the visual quality of the canvas still gets an upgrade for SDR mode, although there is a small performance cost due to the FP16 scRGB -> UInt8 sRGB conversion at the very end. Having one conversion at the end of the rendering pipeline is still a lot cheaper than having a bunch of scRGB <--> sRGB conversions in several other places. The code is also substantially simpler.


You may notice that the selection highlight color is a bit different, and that things like the selection outline and the selection handles look better. This is because linear blending is a lot better for these. You can see the difference by drawing a selection, switching to the Move Selection tool, and then going to Settings -> Graphics and toggling Use hardware acceleration for UI and canvas back and forth.


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