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.PDN -> .PNG before print?

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new to anything printing related and photoshoppyish as well


would a printer auto detect the file name and just print it as a .png or something? does it not matter? i saved after deleting/merging layers so theres only 1 layer per photo but it still says .PDN while others (which never had any additional layers the entire construction of the photo) are .png


p.s. thanks. im guessing not that big of a deal but want to be prepared for tomorrow

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  • Solution
On 6/12/2024 at 9:09 AM, Togera90 said:

i saved after deleting/merging layers so theres only 1 layer per photo but it still says .PDN while others (which never had any additional layers the entire construction of the photo) are .png

@Togera90 The file is still .pdn because you initially saved it when it had multiple layers. Now, each time you re-save that file, even after merging down to one layer, it will stay as a .pdn file.

If you want .png, you need to open the .pdn file in paint.net and then do File > Save As, set the Save as type field to .png and click Save.  This will create a new .png file. Then you can delete the unwanted .pdn file.





On 6/12/2024 at 9:30 AM, BoltBait said:

You should check with your printer to see what types of images they accept.

I'm pretty sure they won't know what to do with a .PDN image. You're probably best bringing a .PNG image.

It doesn't quite work like that. The image file, whether it's a pdn, png, jpg etc, is not handled directly by the printer.

When you print a .pdn file (or any other image type), your options are:

  • Open the file in paint.net and do File > Print
  • In File Explorer, right-click on the file and select Print

In the 2nd case, paint.net will open to manage the printing*


In both cases, paint.net will pass the image, with all layers merged, to the Windows Print Pictures app.

It is this app that queues the image to the Windows Print Spooler and the Printer Driver then handles the actual communication with the printer.


So, printing .pdn files will work OK.


* Actually, the default app for the file type will open. This will be paint.net for .pdn but may be a different app for .png, .jpg etc. if paint.net is not registered as the default.





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