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Is there a plugin that will Decompose Text? (Extract each character from word into Individual Layers)

Go to solution Solved by MJW,

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I'm almost certain there isn't, and with the current way PDN works, I doubt there will ever be. Adobe After Effects has text layers that maintain the text as text. PDN doesn't. As soon as text is committed (for instance, by clicking Finish), it's converted to pixels, and no longer has any separate identity as text.


Additionally, I don't believe plugins can create layers. (It's possible that functionality was added recently, but I don't think so.) If a plugin could create layers, it would be possible to write a plugin that could separate each object (connected non-transparent pixels surrounded by transparency) into a separate layer. That would sort of do what you want for text on a separate layer, but it would fail to work properly for letters that touched, and for the dots on i's and j's.


UPDATE: I realize about every other word in my comment is separate.  I just couldn't come up with any synonyms.

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