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Change default file type from PNG to JPG?

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Is there a way to change the default file type from PNG to JPG?

I work in a software testing group and we get lots of new people all the time. We've successfully got some of these uhh..."slow" people finally starting to use Paint .NET instead of mspaint, but they keep saving their repro screenshots as PNG (overkill for bug reports) rather than JPG (perfect for bug reports for external devs using our bug tracking system-->slow connections).

Is there a registry setting or something to be able to change the default file type from PNG to JPG? I know it's as simple as changing the drop down from PNG to JPG in the save dialog, but this is just too complicated for some of our testers...I guess :P

I read in another thread that this may be a possibility in the next "v4" version of Paint .NET when a config window makes it's way in.

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