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Feature Request: Swap ctrl+C (copy) and ctrl+shift+C (copy merged) shortcuts

Go to solution Solved by Lemonade,

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I frequently press ctrl+C to copy an image and try to paste it elsewhere (not always within paint.net) only to realize I copied a single layer instead of the whole image. While this is a minor inconvenience, I would use a setting that swapped these keyboard shortcuts if it existed. Therefore, I thought I would propose this feature request because others might feel the same.


In lieu of this existing, I could probably create an AutoHotKey script to achieve this.



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Hey @tieTYT, AutoHotkey is really great tool for assigning existing or new shortcuts in Paint.net

Install Autohotkey: https://www.autohotkey.com/

Check Documentation and Tutorials while there, this is a good starting point: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/Tutorial.htm


1. Open AutoHotkey

2. New Script
3. Add script name, location where it will be saved and Empty or Minimal option (I choose empty) and hit Create or Edit.

A rudimentary script to swap CTRL+C and CTRL+SHIFT+C shortcuts (CTRL+C: copy merged layers and CTRL+SHIFT+C: copy layer):

; paint.net
#HotIf WinActive("paint.net")
^c::  ; Ctrl + C hotkey
    Send "^+c"  ; Ctrl + Shift + C
^+c::  ; Ctrl + Shift + C hotkey
    Send "^c"  ; Ctrl + C


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