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How do You make thoses speech bubbles like in comics

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How do you make speech bubbles in paint.net simple question can any one help

"Dr.Breen" Welcome Welcome To City 17 also know as HELL HELL YOUR ALL GONNA DIE! YOUR ALL DEAD!!! "Frohman" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. "Dr.Breen" HEH okay, guys. Enough goofing around, Let Me Know when your ready to roll."

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ty im a noob at this paint stuff :D

"Dr.Breen" Welcome Welcome To City 17 also know as HELL HELL YOUR ALL GONNA DIE! YOUR ALL DEAD!!! "Frohman" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. "Dr.Breen" HEH okay, guys. Enough goofing around, Let Me Know when your ready to roll."

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