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How to make a background for a header like this?

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I'm using PDN for a few months, but I'm still kind of a newb. Now I’m trying to make a homepage for a clan. I've no Problems making some buttons and this stuff, but when it comes to header-backgrounds I’ve no idea how to do it. Maybe someone can tell me, if it’s possible to make header-backgrounds like the ones of this two pages (the red texture getting brighter and darker, scanlines) with PDN and how to do it.



Would be very nice if someone could help me. I don't know how complex this would be, so maybe it's a stupid question. :oops:


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I tried to make a tutorial from the seconde example given:


To anwer to you more precisely, like pika2 explained, there's Fill Styles to make diagonal patterns, and "the red texture getting brighter and darker" are fractal stuff.

More info in the tut.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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