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  1. Definitely the second image. Planets aren't a problem, but everything else will be relatively new to me.
  2. Thanks for all the help, everyone! I really appreciate it!
  3. Hello everyone, I was wondering if it is possible to replicate, emulate, or make images like this one.
  4. That's if I make a tutorial. I think the planet looks nice as a finished product. But, to be quite honest, it's still a prototype. Until I can perfect it, I'll let someone a little more seasoned make a tutorial for it haha. However, if I do figure it out, I'll be more than happy to show you exactly how I did it.
  5. Okay, so I decided to come back to this thread after some time to figure out what I wanted to do and other works (I don't really consider this a dead thread because I created it and am still using it). I still haven't figured out exactly how to make anything that looks exactly like Coruscant, but decided that it would probably be best to create something loosely based off of it. To get the city image, I read over the Photoshop tutorial provided by Lance McKnight and used the idea of city lights to create a basis for a look. But instead of using Photoshop (because I don't have it) I used AlphaSpace and Grim Color Reaper to extract the lighting from the images that I wanted to use. I also took the advice of Delpart and played around with the Shape3D settings. I also coupled the design with Goonfella's Realistic Earth model and Sozo's Glow model. The colors I chose for the night time lighting are a reflection of what I'd like that particular species to prefer, which seems to dominate the image. But, for the sake of the idea as a whole, I decided to leave it. So, here is the image I created. If you'd like to see a larger version: City Planet
  6. So, I know I'm years late, but I stumbled across this thread as I was getting a bit curious on how to make something for myself. However, I noticed a lack in any sort of pictures or information. Despite that fact, I decided to take a stab at it anyway and this is what I came up with. Granted, it's not exactly as it looks on TV, but not bad for just poking around at the program for a bit. I hope it gives you some insight on what you might want yours to look like. Have fun! Sorry for the multi-editing on the post. I had a hosting issue with the pic.
  7. Agreed. I just found this thread today through searches for tutorials. You don't really need a tutorial on how to make it. What I did was visit the site listed, choose what I wanted, and pieced them together. It's a little blurry, but that's because I made mine really small. I also removed the inscription I put on the banner. But, this is the end result. Good luck!
  8. I tried it out, but since it's a photoshop tutorial, there are a few things I simply cannot do. I tried playing around with the city satellite images and pull the lighting from the picture, but it's still a far cry from what I'm shooting for, which is a planet that resembles Coruscant. I'll keep playing around with the effects, though. This plug-in is nice, but it does lack some features that allow the user to fully customize the image. It also doesn't give the same satisfaction of actually constructing your own planet because the program practically renders the whole thing for you. But I suppose if you just want something quick, it's the way to go.
  9. Hi, I've taken some time to follow some tutorials and I think I've become pretty decent at making planets over all. However, I decided to try and create a city planet, but I don't know exactly how to execute it. By city planet, I mean something that looks like Coruscant from Star Wars. I've tried making circular and ovular patters, but they don't turn out right when I render the 3d effect. Also, the texture just doesn't seem to come out as smooth as the one in the picture. Any advice or tutorials?
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