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Posts posted by nummasor

  1. ok, defenetly everything's ok (curves+ & gradient mapping dont crash me anymore) & ok, i never oficial or directly blamed pyro & always maked know how pc naif i am & probably all my problems were bc i dont understand a dime of pc stuff (wasnt this explicit enought? was it too subtil?) watever; ok, now i know i cant select & copy all a package items from winrar to effects folder -if u do = the items go to under the staging folder & bc only yesterday i downloaded my 2nd package pluggin (boltbait's package) i saw there in a very clear way that i must save the package already in paint.net effects folder & its in there (inside there) where i must unzip the package..& sorry,dunno if its bc mine its a W7 home premium, when it comes to save or keep anything we download, he gives me a "automatic" location, i simply say yes & then i try to find what location was that one & from there i open the zip with winrar & from winrar i drag the items to the paint.net effects folder (why am i type this? in case anything is wrong or overrated, maybe someone might have the gently of tip-clear me about this...so simply steps for u all but not for someone with only about 1 week pc use;) TYVM Pyrochild for your awesome pluggins & tyvm all u this pluggins creators: you r a bloody magicians:) ps:ok, i shouldnt had put the issue in a kinda personal way & instead say..«the pyro pluggins»... i shoulda had say: «the package pluggins»...no matter the prob was the select & copy all at once from winR to effect folder (the way i did) while when its just 1 item in the zip i simply drag(not even copy)..but ok, i understand how puting pyro name mixed with this my problem can "kinda difamate" his name, so me flip reverse to true version & ohmy, everyone, dont hesitate a second, get the pyrochild package imediatly, cause be sure: thats the good stuff, the real one good stuff (amoung with some others almost mytical paint.net pluggins magicians)!!! ok, sorry the lick thing or, simply, publicity...lets go back to work & period:)

  2. OK..but its a "strange" pluggin (the pyrochild ones)..from the winrar i copy all the pyro stuff & put everything in the effects folder; but they allways go to under the staging folder* ("mixed" with everything's there* O.o...so i must drag 1 by 1 all the pyrochild effects to the effects folder & then i had to install the paintdotnet_25519670 thing (lol) in the staging folder* (btw, the only item i'v got there*) -only now i see the pyro effects in my paint.net menu...but i didnt try yet them (& above all only left me to know if the «curves+ & the gradient map» will crash me again like the other time i 1st get the pyro pluggin) -if so, np, i simply wont touch them again -its a minor bad thing compares to everything what happened to me when i decided try to fix the prob anyway; for now everything seems to get back to "normality"<--better than nothing:)))

  3. \o/ yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay \o/ I DID IT! I got already paint.net back again, HOOoo!! TY TY TYVM ( & now, for the 1st time i will see how a program folder is & what he's got inside, before any changes (pluggins) i'll do from now on..ok, back to work & a big hug to all the paint.net folks \m/o\m/

  4. Not normal.

    All that I have in my Staging folder is a single compressed .msi file.

    Make a copy of your Staging folder and paste it to your Desktop.

    Then delete everything in Staging except for any .msi file.

    Re-start Paint.NET and see if it works without crashing.


    Also, try running PdnRepair:

    Typically -

    Program Files/Paint.NET/PdnRepair.exe

    well TY anyway...but i simply did what i thought was the most simply way to solve my prob: i uninstalled paint.net so i could start all over from the begin...but u know what? ahhhh, uninstall fatal error & now i cant use at all paint.net & i cant reinstall, simply cant do anything & i just wantto die ahhhh O.O (to solve problem i must contact paint.net package vendor, or even microsoft (i guess) & & &...omg...why must be so complicated all this pc stuff...i cant believe its so hard get rid of a program (to "re-download" everything as must be download)..now i'm stuck in a kinda paint.net limbo ó.ò... will gimp or other "similar" program be my salvation? ahhhhh o.o;

  5. i sent already the pdncrash to where we must send, but cause havent yet any reply i need for now some clear me out questions about download pluggins & paint.net folders "configuration": i mean, in paint.net folder we got the «effects, file types, native.x64, native.86, resources & staging» folders (i believe this staging is the last one) -now, is it normal having some of the effects files/pluggins i did dowload under the staging folder? i was a lil confuse about the unzip thing so i think i did even put some effects in there (under the staging folder) -but even so, all the effects i did the pluggins they all are in the right folder -the effects folder; any way, simply anyone can tell me what is suposed to be under the Staging folder (license, paintdotnet.base.dll, paintdotnet.core.pdb,..data,..effects, paintdotnet, paintdotnet.exe, paintdotnet.pdb,..etc etc?**) & having some of the effects i pluggin (copy's for sure, cause i have them too-same names- in the effects folder as must be) mixed with this** under the Staging folder can damage or explain my paint.net crash? please, clear me something about this & sorry my bad english & my naif pc experience ó.ò; ty:)

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