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Posts posted by j.d.melek

  1. See DA link...

    I miss having your gallery here Barbieq..when I got stuck on something I'm working on, it was good to take time out and browse through your fantastic works..it always gave me inspiration to go back to my wip and look at it with fresh eyes

    please bring it back soon !:D


    regards j.d.

  2. This "gloss" that I'm talking about are highlights. And no, that's not a stupid question. These highlights are best added when you finish an image. I like drawing in these shapes (highlights) with the line tool set to a thicker line like 6-7px. Did you have a chance to look through my tutorial "Glossy Galaxy Ball?" I basically create all my "glossy" work that way.

    Thanks a million Helen :mrgreen: I'm working on it at the moment..

    I shall let you know how I get on. =O

    regards j.d.

  3. @barbieq: Thank you for your nice comments! The words you used describe the things I like.

    @welshblue: I'm glad the designs made you feel the way they did.

    @csm725: :mrgreen: Thanks!

    @j.d. melek: I had to search through the web for some ideas. I used the Windings font, made the layers transparent and then added gloss. Thank you!

    hi Helen, your gallery is full of beautiful art, and I espcially love your " glass work's"

    you mentioned that you add "gloss" to your work, am I missing something..? :/

    how do you add "gloss" ?

    I'm sorry if this is a "stupid" question, but I have been trying various suggestions and just cant seem to achieve

    the "gloss" effect that you seem to have perfected.


    regards j.d.

  4. absolutely love all your pieces,and your new one is no exception, just wonderful.

    unfortunately I am in no position to offer any valuable feedback on "artistic qualities"

    but I know what I like to see and I just "LOVE" your style and flair :mrgreen:

    they say that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

    well this "beholder" believes your art is a "a beauty"

    I'm sorry that I cannot offer any (constructive) critisim but I just dont have the expierience or knoweledge to do so :roll:

    I believe if you (the artist) likes what they have created then you have succeeded in what you set out to achieve and nothing else really matters :heart:

    keep up the GREAT work..

    regards j.d.

  5. well done Leonte, a win well deserved :trophy:

    congrats to runners up also :trophy-silver: OMA, :trophy-bronze: Welshblue,and of course :cake: for Possum..

    (sorry possum, cant find "cheeseburger" emoticon)

    still not a single vote for me! :mad: oh well, maybe next time.

    anyway, congrats to all :mrcyan:

    regards j.d.

  6. Purple bliss is sparkly & jewelly. Sweeeet!

    j.d. Make a gallery thread for yourself. Even if it only has one image in it. You can add to it by editing.

    Thanks barbie , I agree . j.d melek just start with a few then add more as you go along :mrgreen:

    thanking you kindly ladies for your encouragement... you've given me the confidence boost I needed to seriously consider creating a "gallery". I am working on some new pieces ..so..maybe soon.

    thank you both again :heart: :lol:

    regards j.d.

  7. @ j.d melek ,Wow !! amazing , you have to put that in your Gallery :star::mrgreen:

    @ CSM725 , thanks .. I see a Alien :lol:

    thanks Sokagirl. glad you like it. :)

    unfortunately I dont have a gallery :(

    ..or enough work to put into one..yet..

    regards j.d.

  8. @ j.d hey thanks for stopping by , glad you liked the basket . If I can remember I made it with the checkerboard which I then beveled the squares , shape3d cylinder [ play around with the nubs ] try and keep it flat and not a ball . Use the twist for one end then mirror left to right that should connect the ends together in which will end up a basket . Hope this helps ?

    @ Helen , thank you sweetie 6_6 will be working on something better soon .

    hi Sokagirl. thanks for the "quickie tut!" :mrgreen:

    didn't quite reach the standard of "the basket" in your gallery. but hey, I enjoyed trying.

    anyway, this is what I ended up with..more of a "bowl" than a "basket" :/

    regards j.d.

  9. Hi Sokagirl. just found your gallery..WOW..

    love the "newest" one and "spacepods" but my absolute favourite has to be the "basket"

    OMG.you will have to let me know how you did that..its amazing!!

    regards j.d.

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