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  1. Heh, you got some of the blend modes from gimp didn't you :wink: great plugin
  2. did you really need to make a thread if you weren't going to do anything Until tomorrow?
  3. This tut will show you how to make your teeth whiter using paint.net you will need color tint you will also need some selecting knowledge. so let's start out by getting us some yellow teeth :shock: that's some ugly teeth so start out by opening your picture and duplicating the layer. next we need to select the teeth. for this one, I had to use lasso select I didn't do a very good job on it, but it will still turn out okay.(Just a little yellow on the sides ) so on the duplicated layer, run color tint at default settings now it looks worse then before! It now looks freakishly white! so I'm going to adjust the opacity of the layer and we're done! please comment and share your pictures
  4. as of today (9/12/09) I fixed some things. I made the dst Y so that the black bar doesn't show up, I made a brightness slider, and I made the amount of red actually add more red xD. just like all of my plugins, this one renders another texture . found in Render
  5. as of today (9/12/09) I fixed some things. I made the dst Y so that the black bar doesn't show up, I made a brightness slider, and I made the amount of red actually add more red xD. just like all of my plugins, this one renders another texture . found in Render Sound wave.zip
  6. if you want to cut the image and when you cut a checkerboard comes up? Yeah that's a good thing :wink:
  7. if you want to cut the image and when you cut a checkerboard comes up? Yeah that's a good thing :wink:
  8. if you want to cut the image and when you cut a checkerboard comes up? Yeah that's a good thing :wink:
  9. if you want to cut the image and when you cut a checkerboard comes up? Yeah that's a good thing :wink:
  10. if you want to cut the image and when you cut a checkerboard comes up? Yeah that's a good thing :wink:
  11. list of plugins invert channels (found in adjustments) inverts red,green,blue or alpha: "See Zip file below". Rainbow loom (found in render) creates a texture that look like a loom(I think). "See Zip file below". Sound wave (found in render) Renders another cool looking texture: "See Zip file below". X rainbow bars (found in render) renders horizontal rainbow bars: "See Zip file below". and here's the zip of all of them and the codelab scripts "To be added later". 28646_9ed3cca5f0387ef63534ec5b020a25fc.ZIP Invert Channels. 28646_326850f7edda449bb0e48d135e524075.ZIP Rainbow Loom. 28646_d58da6e267de2013c53ac752ac18a3ec.ZIP Sound Wave. 28646_fed5c4e6ea340216b742918e77b78836.ZIP X Rainbow bars.
  12. yeah, I'm working on it. Or trying to. Yeah It's not working out too well I think it's almost done
  13. as the title said this plugin renders X rainbow lines. it's so beautiful xD jk found in Render X Rainbow bars.zip
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