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Posts posted by Minoeman

  1. Make a new layer, fill it with pure white. Draw your line in pure black. If you want a thick line, like in the tut, just increase the brush width. Then using the line tool, taper the edges. Make sure the line is white. Once you've tapered, set the blend mode of the layer to multiply, and all the white will be gone. ;)

    Blooper made a video on this method. If you ask him then he might share it with you. :)

    Honestly, I don't believe that video tuts are any good. They're harder to fallow.

  2. Hello everyone! It's me, Minoeman, and today I will show you how to make this image.


    Plug-ins needed:


    Basic anti-alias.

    Outline object.

    Step 1:

    Of course, open up a canvas size 500x175 and fill it in with any color.

    (Black grey is preferable for this one.)


    Step 2:

    This next part is tricky. This is where you decide your lightning bolts basic outline,

    but then you need to add some other parts around the the line.

    First, select your dark color. (Your dark color should be a darker version of your light.)

    Then, turn down the opacity to 10. Add a new layer, and start drawing your outline with the brush size 30.


    Now, once you have that done, take your lighter color, brush size 20 and opacity 5,

    and color over your end point of the lightning bolt and highlight it.


    Now run gaussian blur at 6-10.


    Step 3:

    This part may get annoying. Now, add a new layer, grab your bolt color,

    (Bolt color should be a lighter version of the light color!) at 255 opacity and size 3 brush, do

    zig zagz with your mouse following the bath of the bolt you made earlier. This may take 5-10

    tries to get it right so you may want to zoom in to get it right.


    Step 4:

    Add a new layer, use the same color, but lower the brush size to 2 and change it to :AntiAliasingOff: ,

    and start drawing more zig zag line branching off the big one. Then run basic anti alias.


    Now, lower the pen size to 1, and start drawing sparks shooting off the main bolt, without touching it.

    Then merge with the main bolt and run Gaussian blur at 1.


    Effects/photo/sharpen at 3, then ctrl-f to do it again.

    Step 5:

    New layer, grab white as your color, select 4 for your brush size, and start outlining most of your lines.

    (Only get about 3-5 of your sparks). Then run feather at 1-1 with true feather checked.

    Merge layer down until you only have your black/gray background and one other image, then duplicate it.


    Step 6:

    On the duplicated layer, set the blend mode to color dodge, and run Gaussian blur so that you can see

    a glow, but it's not to bright so prob. around 40-60. It should look something like this.


    Step 7:

    Add a new layer, set the blend mode to color dodge, and grab your light color. Set it's brush size to ten,

    and the opacity to 10, then Start painting it over the parts you want to be brighter then the rest. Then,

    grab your dark color and color over parts were it needs to be around the color of your choice, so for

    my case, were it needs to be bluer.


    Final Step:

    Now, add a new layer, set it to color dodge, the brush size 2, :AntiAliasingOn: on, and start painting

    some random sparks all over your man bolt and branches with your dark color. There needs to be a lot here.

    After everything one of those sparks is out, Gaussian blur at 1, and your done!


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