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  1. Hi, I have PDN 3.5.6 installed and and trying to load your plugins. I have extracted all the dlls to the Effects folder, but when I start PDN in the 'view plug-in load errors' I see the following text: Any ideas what I have installed incorrectly? (BTW - I still had the 3.5.5. install, so I uninstalled 3.5.6 and installed 3.5.5. and got the same errors...) Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, STBO 1 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\pyrochild.effects.common.dll Effect Name: PaintDotNet.UserControl2 Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.UserControl2' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=3.56.3972.42620, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. 2 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\pyrochild.effects.common.dll Effect Name: PaintDotNet.SurfaceBoxGraphicsRenderer Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.SurfaceBoxGraphicsRenderer' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.Core, Version=3.56.3972.42620, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. 3 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Color Match.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.colormatch.ColorMatch Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET. 4 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Curves+.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.curvesplus.CurvesPlus Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET. 5 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\CustomBrushes.dll Effect Name: CustomBrushes.EffectPlugin Full error message: This plugin is known to cause stability problems. 6 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Gradient Mapping.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.gradientmapping.GradientMapping Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET. 7 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Random Effect.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.randomeffect.RandomEffect Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET. 8 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\ScriptLab.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.scriptlab.ScriptLab Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET. 9 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Smudge.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.smudge.Smudge Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET. 10 of 10 -------------- File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\Splatter.dll Effect Name: pyrochild.effects.splatter.Splatter Full error message: This plugin is incompatible with this version of Paint.NET.
  2. OK - making good progress, but have a problem with getting gradients to 'stick'. I do as suggested, and drag in a straight line to the end of the image, and I get a nice gradient. I het the 'enter' key and it seems to stick. But as soon as I click elsewhere on the layer to add the gradient for the other side of the image, the first one disappears. SO, my question is - how do I make a gradient stick - do I need to create a separate layer for each gradient? Thanks
  3. Thank you very much for posting the example - I am studying the example - very much appreciate the time you took to prepare it.
  4. I see where you are going with this, but I just cannot get it to work. Should I be able to get the 4 individual gradients onto the one layer, or should I have to add a sep. layer for each of the gradients? Event though I hit RETURN after each gradient, when I go to add a new one it to removes the previous one. Even when I do get a gradient to 'stick' - if I then flatten the image and try to view it, there is no border and no gradient visible.. Sorry to sound stupid on this one... Thanks
  5. Wow - that was quick - thank you. Please bear with me - still getting used to the concepts... I followed the instructions as best I could, but did not seem to achieve what I was looking for. Here is what I did: 1. Created a new image by pasting one from memory into a new layer. 2. Followed your instructions, but all it did was seem to give me a slightly smaller image... Should I be using a second layer for the image with the border? I may not have been clear in my original post - what I want to try and achieve is a gradient/blend on the border - so I have a 2cm border around the image, but that it fades from the black of the image to white. So, my question now is how do I get the 2cm border to 'fade' from the black to the white? Again, very grateful for the quick response, and without wish to seem ungrateful, woul dit be possible to give the individual steps necessary to achieve this? Thanks again...
  6. Newbie - just started with paint.net, and I have been going through tutorials... I have an picture taken at night (so very dark background) with a flash - so subject is well lit. I want to crop out a 10cm section at the center of the image and then have approx 2cm border, transparent - going from the black background to white so there is a blend to the white background. I can crop out the image, create the new layer containing the image etc, but no matter what I try I cannot figure out how to make the transparent border. From the various tutorials I came across, it seems I need to use additional layers, and probably use a gradient fill, but I just cannot figure out the steps. I am sure there are tutorials somewhere, but I could not find them. Would anybody have any suggestions re the steps I need to take, or links to a tutorial? Many thanks
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