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Posts posted by Sharp

  1. Lol, I get a lot of layers in my images somehow too, and I try not to flatten or merge them because once I add new layers in-between others, I can change blend modes just in case it turns out to look better. ;)

    :DuplicateLayer: is your friend :)

  2. Hmm... tough question. When I work in PDN I usually merge layers together as I go, so it is neater and easier to work with. if I didn't flatten, I would say probably... 3 or 4 layers for the stars themselves, another 1 or 2 to add variation, another 2 or 3 for color, then another couple for texture.. So for just the stars around 8-11 ish, but that isn't counting planets or the star burst thing. So in short, a lot :P

  3. Also, I used to save as alpha mask, then run bulge with low setting s a few times, then run alpha mask again so it's the original size. But I've decided shape3d is faster and looks more realistic/less quality loss on texture.

    Regarding the latest version, I like it better than the first. But since you fixed my other nag I guess I'll give you another one :P Since you made the planet smaller, which to me mostly makes it look farther away, it seems like the planet would be brighter than before and should have more intense lighting.

  4. PDN now does this wierd thing when I flatten/merge layers. Say if I merge a layer down, and it's set to additive or whatever, then when I merge it down it flickers to as if it is set to normal, then goes to what it should look like when merged. It's only really a problem when I'm trying to compare what a layer looks like visible/not visible. This also happens when I make a layer visible/invisible.

    is this fixed?

    Thanks for the update.

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