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Atze Peng

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Posts posted by Atze Peng

  1. Well I've seen an effect in an youtube video a while ago when they are doing afterwork on the models faces and going over it with some kind of circle making the colors similiar to remove some spots in the face. I thought this function seems pretty interesting - not only for faces. That's why I'd like to know if there is some way of copying it in paint.net or a plug-in or something.

  2. I have following problem.

    I have a picture where some parts are to dark on it. If I enlighten the whole stuff, other parts get to bright. A mate of me said in Photoshop you can do something about it with a vector mask. Well, I don't know what this is or if there is a similiar function in Paint.net or maybe a Plug-In. Otherwise I really need help how I can handle this.

  3. Oh I like that a lot, Atze Peng.

    I did something similar but my laptop crashed and I lost it....silly me for not saving! :lol:

    Thx but the Rays are improveable. I may will try it again these days. Already got some ideas, to bad the Dent-plugin makes them look less realistic, but the turning of the rays make it look better than without.

    Edit: I've tried some stuff, here is the outcome (still improveable):

    Any Ideas to improve the Rays? Did it with 2-3 Zoom blured layers and different settings in Dent's plugin and an Cloudlayer with settings 'Overlay'




  4. You have to upload it on a picupload site (tinypic.com , imageshack.us , etc.), tale the URL (http//:www.xyz.com/xyz) and and use this command, where you but the URL inside: [img*]URL[/img*] but without the *

  5. Well I tried a bit with colors and different effects.

    Here are my results:

    This was my first try and I added some colors.


    This doesnt look like an planet due to the mud, but because of the effect it still looks nice somehow.


    Here I played a bit around with colors and other effects and tried to get lava. (click on the picture for bigger size)


    Here I got some lava and gas pouring out. I did that with several layers and cloud effect(click on the picture for bigger size)


    1. [*:3rfbhjl7]Create the text layer, white on black:
      1. [*:3rfbhjl7]Use a large, blocky font
        [*:3rfbhjl7]Blur this layer with a gaussian blur so that the details of the text are still recognizable (holes in letters like 'A' shouldn't end up closed). One eighth the point size works well. The stronger the blur, the less readable the final output will be.

    [*:3rfbhjl7]Create the difference clouds layer

    1. [*:3rfbhjl7]Set the blending mode for the clouds layer to 'Negation'
      [*:3rfbhjl7]Render clouds with the scale for the clouds at roughly twice the font size.
      [*:3rfbhjl7]Repeat it a bunch to get a whispy look

    I dont get this part. What do I have to do excactly?

  6. I made this Pic for a Bannercontest for a Website:


    I know, the Car still sucks. Next week I get a new PC and can do the screen of it with much higher Quality. Should look better than.

    Anway, some Tips to improve? Especially some tips for rendering would be nice (well, this one looks so bad, due to the bad quality of the original Screenshot)

  7. Actually, my good sir, that is very simple to figure out. Wikipedia says that A4 paper is 210×297 mm. Let's convert that to centimeters, 21x29.7 cm. Now go into Paint.NET, and simply insert those numbers in the "Print Size" box.


    And Paint.NET outputs: 794 x 1123 px (That's the default of course).

    To anyone else: If I am wrong, please do correct me.

    Yeah I got this solution right after posting.

    Should remember following thing:

    Step 1: Thinking

    Step 2: Posting

    And not the different way >.<"

  8. thx Zizoiz for ur nice praise, didn't want to spam, otherwise would've said something earlier hehe.

    Here a new one:


    Didn't made much on it. First I sharpened a bit and then I cut out the parts I wanted to do black&white. For the font I used "Drop Shadow" & bulged it a little.

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