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Everything posted by JonnyreV

  1. actually no... just the opposite really : ) Take from other sources and make your own art. it is a lot of fun and you come out with som egreat stuff! A lot of peopel say to only use stuff you've drawn yourself. Not everyone can draw wel though... some of us are better at takign what other people draw/take pictures of and showing our take on it by modifying it. the reason I asked ot see what you were working with is because it is hard to tell what you have done vs what you picked up. You were asking for critique and we can;t give it if we don;t know what you did.
  2. well, you may be a paint.net noob but you are showing that you have experience with some graphic design. I am wondering how much of this you did vs how much you pulled from here and there. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of pulling from multiple sources and mix/matching. Just hard to critique is all I am saying, not knowing what the origonals looked like. Only thing I woudl say is get some pluggins if you haven't yet. Check out the pluggin page here. Get all of the pyrochild and EdHarvey ones to start with
  3. its taking about layers I think. not sure you need to hide any layer, but if you are following instructions go for it.
  4. Maybe shoot for a picture of our savior that is near the same contrast/color scheme as the goggles. use the rotate zoom feature to tilt the gogs till they look to be about the right angle
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