MODERATORS NOTE: this plugin has been superseded by a newer version:
I was bored and I decided to try doing a filter for fun, so I coded a little resize plugin based on the SubLCD algorithm by Kim Øyhus. This is also the first time I try coding a plug in... Not that I spent much time with it.
It's useful if you want to display your images in a LCD/Plasma screen as it gives the apearence of a little more resolution. It's what's used to render fonts nowadays.
For more information check:
Now following with some samples (normal resize on the left, SubLCD on the right):
Some lines generated with some line generator plugin...
A logo... notice the sleeves, look much sharper with SubLCD.
A colour picture where it's "easy" to spot difference: look at the details in the helmet, and the holes.
All pictures should at least look sharper on a LCD screen.
Download it here:
BTW: You should crop half of the image after using the plugin. I didn't bore to see how it's done. :oops:
The source, I used CodeLab, is in the zip. Enjoy.