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Posts posted by Toli

  1. 1. You may have the right to reverse-engineer the format on grounds of interoperability. Look up the issue on Wikipedia.

    2. There is a small program which reads a pdn file and saves all its layers as separate files. So, that program knows the internal structure of the pdn file. It can be found here, on this forum. Just search for it. Its author may help you or you may research the software itself.

    3. I don't think that the format changed from version 3.2 on. Or, the source code for version 3.2 is available. You may find it on the Internet. Try using google.

    4. If you succeed doing it, please let me know. I would like to see your program.

  2. @pyrochild:

    Well done. See, it is not too hard to spend 2 minutes to explain something. (your explanation is good)

    1. The problem I was reffering to was in short this: I posted some advice about plugins in the plugin development forum, in a very decent language. That's all.

    2. If the city decides (urbanism plans) that your house should be painted pink, some workers, guarded by the police will come and paint it pink.

    3. I am not whining. I was not complaining to you. I was only telling the OP what an unfair world / forum / situation he (and I) is (are) into.

    4. I am not a child. I am way older than you are.

    5. I don't have any sense of entitlement other than what's in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    6. I never troll. Please do not insult me. I am feeling very bad when insulted like this and I may have a nervous break-down or something. I am quite fragile. (not joking)

    7. I don't know what 4chan is.

    8. I don't want to start an uprising. I preffer to peacefully and gracefully call for my rights, not do anything violent.

    9. I don't know anything about that Anonymous stuff.

    Sorry, for bothering you.

    I really have to complain. Only an animal does not complain when it should.

    I hope you understand my acute sense of justice.

  3. If you don't want your posts deleted or edited, adhere to the rules. Simple really.

    Partially true. I had one post removed twice, in spite of it not breaking any rule!

    It was because, as Rick and Pyrochild told me, they did not want my post.

    To summarize, it is sadly very true that this forum is not democratic, as it should be.

    In my country, we fought for democracy and we won.

    I suppose we should do the same here. We will probably win, if we are many of us, determined like you and me.

  4. It is not the file, it is a png image. I know the difference.

    I copy it using .net.

    Clipboard.SetData("PNG", image);

    image is a standard 32bpp png which opens fine in Paint.NET and renders fine in .net Windows.Forms.


    does the job, but the image loses its transparency when pasted, so it's of no use.

    So, why does Paint.NET not recognize the "PNG" Clipboard format?

  5. Bine, cetăţene, tu ai întotdeauna dreptate şi scrii 20 de rânduri pentru fiecare două ale mele.

    Problema este că numeşti limba "rumînă" pe site-ul tău, dar nu şi aici. De ce nu foloseşti acelaşi cuvânt, "rumînă", cu "u" şi aici?

    Asta nu mai ţine de grafie. Este vorba de un alt sunet, "u" în loc de "o", care se pronunţă diferit.

  6. @pyrochild: Can't you discuss with arguments, like a grown up, instead of just removing what you do not like?

    Or do you like to show your power as an administrator?

    I thought this was a forum, i.e. a place where people discuss, not wipe out other's postings.

    And what do you mean by "no you won't."? Repost it? Well, I did and you removed it again.

    I would very much like to see your postings deleted, won't it be so funny then?

    Anyway, if a valid explanation was given, I wouldn't have protested.

    But it seems it is easyer to click delete than write a few sentences.

    P.S. I read the Rules. Which rule did my deleted post break?

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