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Posts posted by Toli

  1. Well, there a big problem with this! It is by no means a simple task.

    And you know why? Because it depends of the theme you are using.

    At my computer, with XP Standard theme, the window looks just fine.

    I don't know what do you use. I will have to scale somehow the window depending of this.

  2. Stop, please. Don't tell me that Paint.NET already has this Effect. I know. But it can only do a very soft Engrave / Emboss. Not a masiv one. Let me explain it to you with pictures, please.
    First one can be done with the build-in plugin. The others not.

    You can get this and other plugins plus the source code from here
    Toli Cuturicu

  3. I created a localizable version of the Plugin.

    It autodetects the current language in Paint.NET and changes the Plugin Title (the MenuItem) and the UI accordingly.

    Just download the new binary and the Ini File and place them both in the Effects Folder.

    Feel free to improve my translations and / or add new languages.


  4. I wonder if it is possible to find out (from within a plugin) what localized version of Paint.NET is currently running, i.e. which PaintDotNet.Strings.3.*.resources is loaded (for example the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.Name) in order to be able to use localized strings in my plugin (using of course a different approach, because I do not have access to that files).

    This would be very nice if possible, and if not, it would be very nice if made possible.

    Thank You

    Toli Cuturicu

  5. > You know what would be truly amazing?

    > Take the GREYCstoration hacky stuff and made it a REAL plugin.

    > I hope it's not too difficult, it's what I would tend to do once I've finally time to learn a bit more about C#.

    I did have a look at the source code. It is beyond my programming skills and it is in c++, not c#.

  6. I tried to blur more heavily (radius > 1)

    It is simply not feasible. My Effect does not do a real Blur, but a Smooth / Average pixels instead.

    It looks awful if more pixels are averaged. I can't submit such a disgrace. Use the plugin for what it was intended: to smooth some colors, not to blur an image. There are plenty of blurs available.

    Mine is different and suitable only for the adjacent pixels.

  7. > Your effect seems to shift the image a little to the right. Upon examination of your code I found

    > ...

    > which I think should be (i <= x + 1).

    Of course! Congrats! And Thanks!

    This is one major benefit in sharing code. If there are more than two eyes looking at it, surely someone will spot the mistake.

    (I hope that you realize that it was a slip (like a typo) and not that I wouldn't know how to correctly do it.)

    I will correct it right away and put the new version on the site.

    >It would also be nice if you added a slider for the radius (which in your code is the +/-1).

    Maybe, but please read my previous posts, where I tried to explain it.

    Anyway, if the users call for it, I will add it. (of course, 1 will be the default)

  8. > You know what would be truly amazing?

    > Take the GREYCstoration hacky stuff and made it a REAL plugin.

    > I hope it's not too difficult, it's what I would tend to do once I've finally time to learn a bit more about C#.

    Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.

    If you send me the drafts and / or requirements, I shall look upon it. If I find it interesting enough, of course.

  9. > I would actually like to see something like a "soft glow" which smooths the image a bit and makes it slightly glowing

    > I've seen some images (maybe done in Photoshop) and tried to reproduce it in PDN with the built in glowing effect

    > but didn't get the desired results. Sadly I have no such picture available.

    Well, I can't imagine what you are talking about. Of course I must see the original and the glowed one, or to get some data (what ColorBrga fields should be changed in what respect)

    Without any more information, I surely cannot do anything. Sorry

    Maybe you should add a slider to your Smooth plugin to adjust the intensity of the blur.

    It is easy to add. Whoever wants may add it. However, I thought that a heavier blur would rarely be appropriate in such small selections and that way, the operation is done in only one click.

    And thanks for sharing, I really like it.

  10. Îmi pare sincer rău că trebuie să critic ceea ce, fără îndoială, a fost un efort considerabil.

    Traducerea este destul de bună, cu toate că unele cuvinte sună ciudat şi nici nu se găsesc în DEX (e.g. cropează).

    Uneori chiar nu înţeleg ce ar trebui să însemne. Din fericire, mă ajută imaginea.

    Din păcate, nu problema de stil este cea mai gravă, cât cea gramaticală.

    În limba română, în interiorul cuvintelor necompuse, se scrie â: "cât", nu "cît".

    Această regulă nu este opţională, ci obligatorie. Nerespectarea ei face de asemenea textul mai greu de citit de către vorbitorii de limbă română. Este ca şi cum nu ai folosi cratima!

    O astfel de traducere este o întreprindere complexă şi foarte dificilă. Este remarcabil faptul în sine că ea a fost făcută. Cu toate astea, respectarea regulilor gramaticale şi folosirea de cuvinte care realmente există în limbă este o necesitate.

    Cu stimă,

    un român

  11. I noticed that many plugins do their job, but are far from being optimized for speed. I can do something like that.

    I think I have both the professional qualification (I am full-time programmer since 1982) and the academic qualification (I used to be a university professor)

    But, two questions arise:

    1. Should I do it?

    2. Where should I put it?

    3. How can I make sure that people will not get offended by it?

    Thank you for any feed-back.

    Toli Cuturicu

  12. So, using my Plugin, the result looks like that:

    This Effect is similar with Ed's "Surface Blur". However, browsing through his code, I realised that the implementation has nothing in common with it. Moreover, my Plugin does not "look" outside the Selection and it is a two-click operation: Click to select, then click to Smooth!

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