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Posts posted by Rubrica

  1. I just couldn't help myself from joining the argument. It's a habit of mine. A bad one.

    it LOOKS like he did almost no work on the image.

    Work. A hard word to define in this area, because this area relies entirely on opinion; one person may wonder how many hours of hard labour it took to make an image, whereas another person might think a baby could draw it. But you want my opinion? This is a competition. Not a critique thread, not a personal gallery, a competition. And what is important in a competition? The end result. Now, this is just my opinion, but the end result is lovely. Admittedly, the words in the corner could blend in a bit more, style-wise, with the image, but it's good. ASSUMING yy10 did no work, so what? It's nice. Plus, what if he did do the work? He is double-brilliant. Now, I know that a lot of you will be thinking "You're wrong! Effort matters!". Well, you're partially right there. I still think the end result is important, but I suppose the effort is took. So this is what I suggest; multiple winners. A winner for effort, a winner for stlye, a winner for following the theme well, a winner for everything, et cetera. It probably wouldn't work, mainly due to the fact that you couldn't use a poll for voting, you'd have to use PM, but a vote form could look something like this:

    "Who you vote for:


    What category do you vote for them in:"

    See? And with that, I rest my poorly made case.

    Oh, and Frontcannon, a new entry, you say? I'll see what I can do. ;)

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