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Posts posted by aile

  1. Sorry 'bout the depression, but I really like that image. Looks like ink in water. How'd you get that effect?

    tnx.. well i started off using madjik's tree plug in (forgot the amounts though, just make it big and have lots of branches).

    then i used the polar inversion effect (made it look like the pattern you see..)

    then i duplicated the layer 3 times:

    ==one is for the dents effect

    ==one for zoom blur delux(zoom is at top right corner)

    ==one for some gaussian blur.

    (just play with the amounts and experiment)

    make sure that the original layer is at the top.

    then added some radial blur as a backround. :)

    there you have it! :)

    ~~made this reply real quick (cause im at school), if you have questions, just pm me. k? :)

  2. ^^ahh! dont suck me in.. wait, its a gif? i kinda have a slow connection right now, i was surprised when it moved :lol:

    @oma: a tut is on the way :) although im not sure when i would be able to finish the thing... as for the medallion inside, that would have to be another tut. :)

    @usedH: i LOVE the second picture you did.. howd ya do that? sometimes i hate it when i see something soo good, and i dont know how to make it :oops:...

    The_L: the first pic looked so nice. made me rememeber that penguin's umbrella in the Batman movie. iforgot the name of the pengiun though...

    Becauseilearn: it does look good for a first post. look more into the tut section and learn more (becauseyoulearn) lol. welcome to the forum! :)

  3. CommanderSozo: thank you. actually, i had these 2 ideas for the sig (the blue thing and the words). i kinda had trouble merging the two, so i ended up at that. but i like it though, because it means something. :) :)

    pyrochild:thanks for the compliment. are the clouds that obvious? lol i know, im bad @ backgrounds.

    pyro, your eyes are like scanners. lol. they see everything.

    Edit:david.atwell: i already have one. but it was my first, so it wasnt that good. lol tnx.

    anyways, thanks guys for comments. :)

  4. something i came up with last night (after experimenting from different tuts, and adding my own touch :)):


    ^^(scaled to a smaller size. click to see larger image)

    Take a look ---- what do you think? Definately not Oma's Lion by far!


    This reminded me of this lmao

    lol, i know. charlie was the first thing that came to my mind when i saw the pic. :lol:

    Edit:@stefTACULAR: i loove your sig. especially the quote inside. it looks so well done. :)

  5. PineappleQc: the grain of rice was so funny! :lol:

    oma: thank you. yeah, i made it using the jello tut. the heart was actually a font, i think it was webdings or something. :) :)

    and the robot! looks like the ones from those computer-animated cartoons! lol. cute work.

    jerkfight & The_Lionhearted: salamat! the thing in the middle is actually in my tut (idk if you've seen it, but here it is). as for the ring... find it out yourself. lol :) thanks again :)

    Ares: i want to know how you made that bg! looks like eyes from a peacock'wings. :lol:

    Well, go on peeps, keep the pictures coming! :D

    Edit: oma, your last work looks sooo good! me likey! lol haha.

  6. maybe its because of the pictures. it looked like it was taken at home, not in a real photobooth. so it takes away the idea that its supposed to look like the ones in the booths.

    i think you should choose the pics wisely, or you could make her pose in a plain one-color background. :)

  7. you kinda lost me at the part where i have to "fill with a completely transparent color"

    i have chosen the white color with alpha of 0, but it doesnt work. i keep on filling the thing, but the color doesnt change, its still black.

    could you please explain it a little further cause i really want to know how to do this. thanks :wink:

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