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I Like Pi

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Posts posted by I Like Pi

  1. Brute force is trying out every possibility. Intelligently detecting optimal settings would be the opposite. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brute_force

    The plugin remembers the previous settings; this is done by Paint.NET.

    PNGGauntlet has a brute force search option, but I don't know what it does by default.

    The color options reduce the amount of color so that OptiPNG can do more optimization. I do not pass them as arguments to OptiPNG. If an image is already grayscale, for example, your color selection should not make a difference because OptiPNG should notice that the image fits in grayscale and make a grayscale PNG. However, if the image does not already fit in grayscale, OptiPNG will not reduce the image to grayscale.

    Update 1.0.2:

    • [*:5cbde]Feature: preview checkbox
      [*:5cbde]Efficiency improvement: don't optimize again when pressing OK if the last preview is identical.

  2. If possible, it would be very nice to see this brute force thing (PNGauntlet has something similar) available. If you have problems you could make a beta, I'm sure you would find a lot of "testers", and maybe this would be a help.

    It already uses brute force. The defaults tell OptiPNG to brute force a bunch of filters and stuff. (This is what the "x trials" means.)

    From OptiPNG documentation (the -ox corresponds to what this plugin uses):

    Optimization level presets:
       -o0  <=>  -nz
       -o1  <=>  [apply libpng heuristics]         (1 trial)
       -o2  <=>  -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0,5            (8 trials)
       -o3  <=>  -zc9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0,5          (16 trials)
       -o4  <=>  -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5            (24 trials)
       -o5  <=>  -zc9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5          (48 trials)
       -o6  <=>  -zc1-9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5          (120 trials)
       -o7  <=>  -zc1-9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5        (240 trials)

    (If anyone wants to improve anything, feel free to download the source code.)

  3. All JPEGs use lossy compression, which means that you will lose some detail when you save. Selecting a higher quality will cause you to lose less detail when saving, but you cannot avoid losses with JPEG. It will not give you a higher quality than the original. That is impossible because you cannot create detail that you don't have.

    For repeated editing/saving, I recommend using a lossless format like PNG. The size will be larger than the JPEG, but you won't lose quality every time you save. When saving the final version, you can switch back to JPEG. This way you only lose quality once: when saving the final version.

  4. Small update:

    • [*:8d48b]Changed default optimization level to 2 because it's OptiPNG's default
      [*:8d48b]Added some more tooltips
      [*:8d48b]Interlacing on/off

    In the future, I may expose more of OptiPNG's command line options so users who know what they're doing can eshew OptiPNG's preset levels (which basically brute force a bunch of settings for the smallest size).

    Problem is I don't fully understand the options.

  5. Lots of Wikipedia's images are already optimized :wink:

    17:58, 17 August 2007 JeffyP 320×240 57 KB revert

    17:39, 17 August 2007 JeffyP 320×240 44 KB Compressed even further

    08:03, 15 October 2005 Txuspe 320×240 57 KB Compressed with PNGOUT.

    00:45, 12 July 2005 Daniel G. 320×240 62 KB 24bit PNG with 8bit alpha layer Rendered in POV-Ray by user:ed_g2s. See also: Image:PNG transparency demonstration 1.png {{GFDL}}

  6. NOTE: This plugin is incompatible with Paint.NET 4.0.  Use the most recent version found here:




    This plugin integrates OptiPNG with Paint.NET. It optimizes PNG to make them smaller, which is good for web use.

    Compiled DLL:
    OptiPNG plugin.zip
    Both the DLL and optipng.exe need to be in the FileTypes directory.

    November 30 - updated to OptiPNG 0.62, some minor changes suggested by antond
    October 24 - updated to OptiPNG 0.61, no changes in my code
    June 20 - updated to OptiPNG 0.6, no changes in my code

    Source Code:
    License: GNU General Public License (GPL) v3
    Source Code.zip


  7. The OctreeQuantizer constructor checks if maxColors > 255 and maxColors < 2. Shouldn't the first be maxColors > 256?

    In GetPalette, you invoke _octree.Palletize(_maxColors - 1); I think the unmodified _maxColors should be passed instead.

    In a test case I made with a gradient, the GIF only saved with 254 colors and the PNG had 256 (reported by pngout).

  8. Nope. PdN is released under the MIT license, which makes it free software. They're perfectly within their rights to do that, so long as it's released under the same license.
    I'm pretty sure it doesn't even have to be released under the same license, so long as the original license is included.
    Specifically, it is a GPL-compatible permissive license, meaning that it permits reuse within proprietary software on the condition that the license is distributed with that software.

    david - GPL is much less permissive than MIT.

  9. thankz anyway. I know you cant do it from the start but I was just making sure and paint should have that

    It's not really a shortfall with Paint.NET (which I'm sure you meant, but left out :D ), as much as it's just something you can't do with any image format. At least, not one I can think of. Sorry.

    You can with scalable vector graphics (SVG) :D, but no raster graphics format directly allows links.
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