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Posts posted by MiguelPereira

  1. I have a request for a function that would be really helpful and would solve the problems of an older request i made.

    I requested that the option for the file size dimensions could be customizable.

    I had the idea to have a combobox with multiple choices for files sizes, like paper sizes (A4, A5, etc...) screen dimensions (HDTV1080, PAL, etc...) and other common sizes for digital art.

  2. :Save: Download: ZIP :Save:

    This plugin appears in the Artistic submenu. Effects -> Artistic -> Splatter

    There's no .dll file in the package...

    Sorry but you didn't fully read the post, and yeah you have to download the package, and then choose the plugins you want

  3. Excuse me for sounding like a complete turd, but I'm having a bit of trouble installing this. Which thing is the source code, and where do you put it in the Program Files?

    Aerdna you don't put the source file, you put the .dll file (the effect) in the effects folder in your Paint.NET installation location. see this topic for more reference viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2023

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