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Posts posted by EvilNeko

  1. It doesn't really matter what you use, its what the person viewing hte webpage uses. Most people don't think the same as you do, therefore, they won't be using the same. I know people that use IE, all versions, Opera, Firefox..everything under the sun. Thats why I keep all of them so I can test webpages ^^

    BTW >,> I use IE 7 here..IE 6 at home, with Firefox 3.1 Alpha Pre. and I'm working on getting a new version of Opera and the rest of the browsers.


  2. Okay, this is what I do, and Im sorry I can't give you screenies. But! You can select an area of clear skin or whatever, and then copy/paste it over the area you want to cover. Yuo have to be very careful though, and if you want an extact color match you cna use Curves to change hte color by tiny increments in the selected area.


  3. It is possible to make the Tutorials section, and then have a key to it. Every name on a tutorial listed on one page(announced) before the topics. EX:

    List of Tutorials:
    Tutorial 1- Digital Art
    Tutorial 2- Effects and adjusting existing photos
    Tutorial 3-Digital Art
    Tutorial 4-Signatures & Avatars

    Except instead of "Tutorial#-place", its "Tut name-Place" Although this would be a lot of work to do. Id rather just put in an hour's worth of work and search all the tuorials, putting hte ones that are worth my time on my 'favorites' in the browser.


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