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Posts posted by Dragoneer

  1. This is the default file name.


    This is from the Properties of the file.

    Opens with: Windows Media Player

    Type of file: Windows Media Audio/Video playlist

    Size: 204 bytes (204 bytes)

    Size on disk: 4.00 KB (4,096 bytes)

    I don't know what codecs it uses. My other player (MPC) that can play just about anything can't play this file either. Could this be a streaming file that is no longer active?

  2. For some reason Paint.Net went back to locking-up again. (SEE PREVIOUS POST WITH SAME HEADING, EXCEPT WITHOUT CULPRIT FOUND ADDED)-about 11 posts below this one.

    The good news is that this time I'm almost positive that it is permanently solved. After the process of elimination I've found the offending file.

    Where can I send it so someone can analyze why it does this? The file won't play any longer. I can't remember exactly where I acquired it, but probably intended on trying to convert it and forgot about it.

    Of course after I send it, I'll delete it, sending it to the garbage pile where it now belongs.


  3. You're not going to believe this! I figured it out...or better yet, WE figured it out. After your last post a light bulb went off in my head. I decided to move all possible conflict causing folders to My Documents by opening My Documents and then drag the folders in, close it and try it again. I did this and it worked. The folders I moved are as follows:

    One with a ton of installers of programs I have.

    One with a set of installers of highly useful free programs I save to send to friends & family.

    One with video clips that are almost exclusively ones that I've converted from .flv to .wmv (the program I use utilizes various codecs to convert) along with some other high quality .wmv clips I downloaded. I'm not certain if the high-quality .wmv clips are DivX-based because they have no Watermark.

    One .flv file that was by itself directly on the Desktop-not in a folder.

    But, now here's the strange part. I decided to place them back one folder at a time to see which one was the culprit, and guess what, after putting them all back, it now works perfectly! What a strange solution!

    Let me know why you think that it worked after I did that.

    Thanks a lot for your persistence and patience, I greatly appreciate it!


  4. That's one I'll have to look into and will take considerable time. I have at least seven hundred video clips on the computer, but maybe 50 of those are in a folder on the Desktop. It's quite possible that over the course of time that one or more of the clips that I've acquired is a Divx video clip. I also have Divx installed but I've never used it to make a Divx movie. I'm not certain, but it's also possible that it might be utilized by one of the editing programs I use to make chapters etc. to make a DVD from various types of clips, i.e. wmv, dvr, camcorder etc. One of the programs I use for this purpose recommended I install it.

    Would the Divx clips cause the problem simply by being on the computer, or is it only possible for it to happen if they are on the Desktop?

  5. My Registry Cleaner (CCleaner) deletes the IE Temp Files as part of it's function. I also have a Media Player that will play .swf, .flv and a host of other types of media that Windows Media Player, Real Player, Winamp etc. will not play. I also have a ffdshow codecs package that supports this player. Maybe the formatting of the video you made is in conflict with some codec configuration on my computer.

    Now back to the original problem. The only reason I tend to think the problem isn't with my computer is because Paint doesn't lock-up. As a matter of fact, it saves it to the Desktop like lightning. Does Paint.Net lock-up when you try it?

  6. Bob, it does happen in other Users. HITMAN-X-, I followed your tutorial for the Desktop. It does work. It has a few extra steps though. Thanks for helping out. In the meantime until a new version comes out that fixes this problem I'll continue to use Paint for this procedure.

    HITMAN-X- by the way, I don't know why, but after checking out the Desktop tutorial http://www.dextut.com/misc/desktop.html my computer began running slow. I tried it several times and got the same result. Each time I had to use my Registry Cleaner and Log Off, then Log On to get it back to normal. Very strange.

    The other link, How to make DVD covers with Paint.NET works fine.

  7. Yes, saving it to a folder in My Docs. with a Desktop Shortcut works, but I still would like to save the file straight to the Desktop like regular Paint does. I prefer sending a file that I don't intend on keeping to the Desktop because it's quicker & easier to locate.

    I use this method when I want to send someone a Screenshot. I use POP by simply saving it to the Desktop (the file can be anywhere), Right-Click the file>Send To>Mail Recipient. This is a highly efficient way of e-mailing something from the computer. It's 10X better than opening your e-mail, browsing for the file, attaching it etc. Too damn long and unnecessary!

    Of course if you don't have POP or it isn't set up correctly, it will not work.

    To anyone not familiar with this, call your ISP and they will help set it up.

  8. I'm using XP Media Center Edition with a 1.80GHz M processor that is specifically made for laptops. It's equvilent to at least a 3.5GHz Pentium. I have 1GB of RAM.

    By the way, when I tried to send a screen-shot back to My Pics. after attempting to send it to the Desktop, it began to lock-up but I decided not to end the program. After about 2 mins. it finally sent it to My Pics. It didn't fully lock-up because I was sending it ti My Pics. Of course once it's sent there it won't mess up again unless it's changed again.

  9. david.atwell I checked to see if file size is why it locks-up and that isn't it. I re-tried a screen-shot I have saved in My Pics. that is only 113k and it still did the same thing.

    Now as for this issue about website shortcuts or network drive shortcuts, I do have a couple of web shortcuts. I'm not clear on what qualifies as a network drive shortcut.

    I'll list what I have on my Desktop that I think might qualify.

    IE Shprtcut

    Wireless Network Shortcut

    My Computer

    Control Panel

    Yahoo IM & MSN IM Shortcuts

    Computer's manufacturer Internet access shortcut

    Download Manager Shortcut

    Google Earth Shortcut

    Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware Shortcuts

    Media Center Shortcut-It has the ability to access Internet once inside.

    A folder with Internet shortcuts with seldom-used Programs that came with the computer.

    Still, if these are triggering the problem, I shouldn't I have to remove them to utilize sending a file to the Desktop.

  10. PAINT.NET IS FIXED!! ANSWER IS NOT NEEDED ANY LONGER. However, you can still answer in case someone else needs to know.

    Just after posting the above inquiry, I logged out and went to check out my post and saw that there was a heading about having trouble installing on the very first line posted by this site.

    I read it and it turns out I never knew about trying to repair .Net Framework in Add or Remove Programs by clicking on Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0, then click on Change/Remove, then click on the Repair radio button, then click Next...

    I repaired it, then reinstalled (did not uninstall-instructions did not say to) it and... low and behold, it worked!! I have my beloved Paint.Net back!

    I hoped it would resolve the IM issue also but that's unchanged. I'll just reinstall IE7 from my present IE6 then everything will be perfect!

    I genuflect to you for resolving this issue. I was right after all. I knew you could fix it.

    I had (and still have) a HUGE amount of confidence in your brilliance and know-how-that's why I still didn't reinstall Windows.

    You can't be "just average" to be a program developer of this magnitude.

    Again, thanks for posting that info. It should resolve most of the issues in the Forum.

  11. I realized that I definitely didn't use the Removal Tool correctly after stumbling into the Readme info in Program Files under Windows Installer Clean Up.

    I already deleted the tool long before finding the info left behind, (glad it's still there, maybe this can be resolved) but will re-download & reinstall after getting the answer.

    There is one part that I'm confused about under the heading HOW DO I INSTALL THE WINDOWS INSTALLER CLEAN UP UTILITY?

    Here is the excerpt in question:

    The files may also be extracted manually from the downloaded file. However, after you do this, you must rename the appropriate MsiZap*.exe file "MsiZap.exe." (NOTE: If you use the utility on Windows 95/98/98SE/ME, rename MsiZapA.exe. Otherwise, rename MsiZapU.exe.)

    I'm running XP w/Media Center. Which of the two is it telling me to rename it to?

    1. MsiZap.exe

    2. MsiZapU.exe

    And, I'm not quite sure what the name of the file is that it's telling me to rename. I want to make sure that I get it right this time!


  12. I forgot to add this. After trying to uninstall 3.0 I got the following message:

    There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.

    A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

    A new message I just got on the System Tray after starting the computer states that there is a duplicate name on the system.

    Is there a fix for this. Ran scans no malware on the system. If I correctly use the removal tool will it solve this problem? Remember, it worked perfectly before the updates & attempted install of WMP 11.

    Also, is there a way to manually recover the pdncrash report from the system since it was blank?

    I want to exhaust all options before reinstalling Windows.

    By the way, regular Paint works as does all other programs including Windows Media Center.

    I know you guys are brilliant and can figure this one out!


  13. After installing Microsoft updates & trying to install WMP 11 (76 of them-feared getting updates from prior bad experiences so never installed any on this computer) WPM 11 still would not install. A message stated I couldn't install it without updates. I have/came with WMP 10.

    It then messed up Windows Media Center-only My Pictures, More Programs and Settings were available.

    I fixed it by using Program Access and Defaults. However since 11 wouldn't install, I System Restored-I manually set a point before installing updates & attempt at 11.

    Prior to all of this, the feature in Windows Live Messenger to access Hotmail e-mail directly wouldn't work. I contacted Support-10 days of trying almost everything, no solution.

    Sometime after Restore, I guessed that it had something to with .net (not Paint.Net) and installed IE7-had IE6. The IM access worked, but days later I tried to use Paint.Net (obviously Paint.Net stopped working AFTER the update fiasco but didn't realize it at the time) and it won't allow me to uninstall or install & the pdncrash Notepad is blank!

    I tried using the removal tool in FAQ's, but it caused Paint.Net not to appear in Add or Remove, (I probably did something wrong why the tool did this).

    To fix this I decided to Restore. Also, I then realized that it's possible my IM feature didn't work after installing Paint.Net 3.0-had the previous version, hence the mention of the IM e-mail feature problem.

    I then Restored before IE7, which was the best spot, and Paint.Net now appears in Add/Remove. However, the IM e-mail feature reverted to not working.

    PLEASE HELP! I still want to use it, but at this point I still can't use, remove or install 3.0.

    VITAL SPECS 1.80GHz M processor, 1.00 GB RAM.

    Error message: Paint.Net has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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