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Posts posted by TinSoldier

  1. This version may always be free, but the final version would cost money if anything. And an upgrade would be free to all who used to have the old versions. Just a quick thought, but I don't think it will ever cost a dime.
    Where do you get this from?

    Well companies like Microsoft do that type of thing (Vista RC1 and stuff).

    True, but the source code to Vista is not readily available.

    Plus from what I understand this is Rick's project, not Microsoft's.

    Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Paint.NET is an awesome tool.

  2. This version may always be free, but the final version would cost money if anything. And an upgrade would be free to all who used to have the old versions. Just a quick thought, but I don't think it will ever cost a dime.
    Where do you get this from?

    Anyway, I don't remember for sure how I found Paint.NET. I think I was looking at GimpShop, and I've always been a little intimidated and/or frustrated by The Gimp and other open-source paint tools.

    I think I heard a rumor that there was a replacement for MS-Paint that was developed as part of this guy's college project. And that's how I found it.

    (Yes, I know that it is not going to be an official replacement for MS-Paint and that it was developed as part of Rick's college career.)

  3. Hi, David. If you read the help file, it should tell you how to make filled shapes. The help file can answer basic questions probably better than the forum can.

    But to do my best to answer your question, yes, you can set the thickness of a shape's border by setting the brush width and you can select whether your shape is filled, outlined, or one solid color.

    The colors of the shape fill and border are determined by the primary and secondary colors you have selected.

  4. Nope, still no change.

    I'll grab the 3.0RC1 file and install it on my home machine this evening and see if I get the same thing there.

    And, if any other 3.0 users are reading this, why not consider checking your own Choose Defaults dialog and comment on whether or not it's just me. I hate being alone... v_v

    I hate to say "works for me", but... it does. Sorry.

    I'll let you know if either of my home machines are different.

  5. Yeah. ;) thanks. =]I hope the friend I made this for likes it better, or she's screwed because I can't edit it again!! Because I saved it as a .PDN, then a .GIF, but then when I opened the .PDN file the layers were flattened! So I made a test one and did the same thing and it worked that time. xP lol.
    Hmm. That shouldn't have happened...

    You didn't save it as a GIF first (which flattens it) and then save it as a PDN?

    BTW, that banner looks great!

  6. What resolution were the pictures after scanning them in? What resolution are you going for?

    For me in terms of graphics displayed on a screen 4x6 and 8x12 have no meaning. What I look for is the pixel resolution.

    On Paint.NET 3.0 Beta (probably similar on 2.72) go to Image -> Resize and change the pixel size.

    Oh, looking at the dialog I can see that there are inches on there as well.


    For screen output it should probably be around 96 pixels per inch. When you change one setting, others might change as well. In the end, you will want your pixel size to be anywhere from a few hundred pixels to probably 1024x768 max unless you are making a much bigger picture.

    Does that help? Sorry if I'm rambling a bit.

  7. Oma, I realize that English is not your first language. However, I will do my best.

    Aliasing, with regards to graphics, is the blocky look you get along a line when you change from one color to another. Anti-aliasing adds some pixels that are in between the two colors that help smooth out the line and make it look less blocky.



    Alpha blending:


    I hope that that helps. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

    The new Paint.NET docs may help you as well, even though they are in English.

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