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Posts posted by jerkfight

  1. Testing some things turned out decent. Some of the angles are messed up, and reflections on the ball I got lazy and forgot to make them different for each ball. I still need to work on shadows.




    As always click to see the larger version.


    EDIT: I just realized how off the top board is...jeez and it isn't sitting on the floor properly xD
     I need a lot of work.

  2. Nice and easy to follow ... 


    And you did an amazing job with highlighting, I think personally that highlighting is my biggest weakness, I can never seem to get it right. Mind if i use your image in the main post as a "What you can achieve with this"?

  3. I usually hate a large variation of colors but Ekstaze's sig I really like. The use of random shapes? to provide a background for the letters. I don't know you guys can see it :P, but I really like how it looks good job. As for penguin, its nice but the text being hard to read is one of the cons :P Keep at it both of you

    penguin dolphin - 0
    Ekstaze - 2

  4. Try using D19163 for the colour instead, and set the layer blending mode to Overlay at 200 Opacity.


    Originally at the time of writing this tutorial I had assumed everyone had the same experience I had with Paint.NET. However, obviously there are a lot of newcomers to Paint.NET who may view this tutorial. In order to make this more newcomer friendly I'm rewriting this tutorial and may also provide a video if time permits. It will also include some improvements that I have thought of.

    Thanks for all the replies on this tutorial.

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