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Everything posted by bkausbk

  1. I think what you are ment is this "thread" is almost one year old. If yes, that's true, but the problem is still available. Paint.NET isn't able to create and handle Alpha Bitmaps even if the Bitmap File Format supports Alpha channel ... there are at least 2 ways to implement this as I stated in my posting. bkausbk
  2. Dear Rick Brewster, I just want to clarify a thing. NET Framework 2.0 officially has support for 32-Bit Bitmap with Alphachannel although in MSDN documentation the alpha bit is stated as unused. You can try this out by doing following: Bitmap Bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height, Format32bppArgb); Then just draw a bit with colors with alpha < 255 Bmp.Save("test.bmp", Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp) You will see (just open the corresponding Bitmap file with a hex viewer) that alpha values are correctly saved. So it means, it is supported. Image.FromFile() does currently not support this alpha channel of Bitmaps afaik. But loading a 32 bit bitmap isn't that difficult by direct reading bit values into buffer. Just take a look at http://www.codeproject.com/cs/miscctrl/ ... etDemo.asp So if you want I will provide you with the corresponding 32-Bitmap Loader code which could be added to Paint.Net. Btw. Photoshop does officially support alphachannel in bitmaps ... even though there seems to be a bug in theire code. Another way storing alpha information in bitmaps would be the possibility to use Bitfields (Compression = BI_BITFIELDS insteadt of BI_RGB). Since there is a BitmapHeader.RedMask ... AlphaMask, the Bitmap may be saved as 32 Bit Bitmap with BI_BITFIELDS by setting corresponding masks. However this isn't mentioned officially in MSDN documentation, but nothing speaks against it regards bkausbk
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