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Posts posted by SearedIce

  1. From the topics discussed it seems users have experience with some sort of similar program, I don't, will this be a problem?

    Perhaps you have used "Paint" in Microsoft Windows? This program is made to mimick, but improve on Microsoft's "Paint." If you have any experience in "Paint", you have experience in "Paint .NET" as well.

    No experience is needed. Just find something to edit, and start editing. Or, simply start drawing.

    Use the pencil tool or the brush tool to draw and "paint" on the screen. The eraser tool erases. Text makes text. The Fill, or "paintbucket" tool fills in enclosed areas with the color specified in the color wheel (on the left). The eyedropper tool picks a color from the image and makes it the color you will draw with. The shape tools make shapes. The selection tools allow you to select areas and then move them, delete them, or use the boundaries of the selection as limits on where you want to color or erase.

    Those are the ultimate basics...to learn more, play around with the program and read the help files like Mr. Brewster has said.

  2. Open the image that you want on the bottom (not the one you want to superimpose).

    Click on the "Layers" menu at the top.

    Click on "Import From File"

    Find the image you want to superimpose, and click on the open button.

    The second image should now be covering the first.

    Click on the second image in the "Layers" window.

    Click on the "Layer Properties" button (finger pointing to a paper button on the "Layers" window, or press F4 on the keyboard to open the Layer Properties" window.

    Lower the "Opacity" slider or number box to the desired level.

    Click on "OK"



  3. Are you using some sort of download manager, or did you simply download it with Internet Explorer or your browser?

    If you are using a manager of some sort, try downloading it again with your browser (no download manager things), and see if it works then.

    If this doesn't work, try downloading the installer from another website...try download.com for instance.

  4. Make sure that the image size is the same in both programs...the same width/height in pixels (not inches/centimeters).

    Also, make sure when you save the file that you are using the same bit depth...24 bit is probably what you want. Fireworks may be doing 16-bit color quality (this could yield a much smaller file).

  5. You can always copy the area you want to resize into a new file, resize it there using Image|Resize (Ctrl-R), and then bring it back into the original file.

    To move something, select it, then press the Move button (next to the box selection button) or press the M key on your keyboard. When trying to move something, make sure you drag the cursor somewhere away from the thing you are moving or you might grab the handles that let you stretch/shrink the thing you have selected by accident.

  6. Make sure the area around the circle is transparent, then make sure you save the image as a .gif. One way to make this area transparent is to select it, then press delete. If you're trying to make a Counter-Strike spray, you'll have to do the transparent stuff in another program; Paint.Net won't let you edit the colors pallette.

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