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Beedell, Roke Julian Lock.

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Everything posted by Beedell, Roke Julian Lock.

  1. @kevincrans, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/71701159/9731176 an explanation of why transferring from UWP XAML to WinUI3 would necessitate a rewrite - summarily, it's because the UWP and Windows App SDKs are both mutually exclusive application development frameworks, the 2nd of which WinUI3 is exclusive to. Consequently, all code would need to be rewritten to support Windows App SDK instead of the Universal Windows Platform SDK. Additionally, the conversion might not be 1:1, per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk/migrate-to-windows-app-sdk/what-is-supported. However, WinUI 2.7 supports UWP, and per it still looks damn good and currently almost identical to WinUI3. Regardless, I support this proposal, especially now that Paint uses XAML Islands for WinUI3 support.
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