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Everything posted by jenkins72

  1. Hi, this is exactly what I was looking for so I made a couple tweaks. Now it sorts colors by most common found in the image and limits them to the palette limit which is 96. It shouldn't give I/O errors d crash but in case you're using non-english pdn this will make another, not localized, folder named "Palettes". // Name: // Submenu: // Author: // Title: // Version: // Desc: // Keywords: // URL: // Help: // Force Single Render Call // creates file with colors void MakePaletteFile(List<string> colors) { int fileCount = 0; string fileName = "UntitledPalette"; string paletteDir = Path.Combine(this.Services.GetService<IUserFilesService>().UserFilesPath, "Palettes"); if (!Directory.Exists(paletteDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(paletteDir); string path = Path.Combine(paletteDir, fileName + ".txt"); while (File.Exists(path)) { fileCount++; path = Path.Combine(paletteDir, $"{fileName}{fileCount}.txt"); } colors.Insert(0, $"; {colors.Count} unique color(s)"); File.WriteAllLines(path, colors); } void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { List<ColorBgra> colors = new List<ColorBgra>(); ColorBgra currentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { currentPixel = src[x,y]; colors.Add(currentPixel); } } List<string> colorCodes = colors .GroupBy(color => color) .Select(g => new {Value = g.Key, Count = g.Count()}) .OrderByDescending(color => color.Count) .Select(color => color.Value) .Take(96) .ToList() .ConvertAll<string>(c => c.ToHexString()); MakePaletteFile(colorCodes); }
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