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Posts posted by jsoba77

  1. 3 hours ago, NinthDesertDude said:

    You could just copy a thin rectangle of pixels near the edges and put them over the rough edges so they're nice and straight.

    I will try that aswell

    thanks a lot

    3 hours ago, NinthDesertDude said:

    Or take Pixey's edge blur approach and copy all the modified edges to some layer that you run AA's assistant on since you wanted those edges to 'blend' better.

    As I want to learn and get better at using this app I want to learn as much as possible , so I am not sure what exactly you mean?

    What is AA assistant?

  2. 38 minutes ago, Pixey said:

    Play with the CURVES Plugin to get that lighter color.  Or, the Levels Ctrl + L

    Thanks for the response, I to make it lighter, I just want to make the actual texture look harder like the one below

    If possible

    or even like this, if that makes sense, my current one is way too soft looking, in comparison


    (Hard looking)



    Mine (soft looking)


  3. 39 minutes ago, Pixey said:

    As you can imagine, once an image is saved to .jpeg or .png, it's hard to change the content 😲


    You could try 'selecting' the lines with the Rectangle Select Tool and then use a Plugin, like Average Blur to clean the edges.





    Ok I tried it and unfourtunately it dosent look as good as your one, are there any other methods you could suggest




  4. 23 hours ago, ardneh said:

    Rename the downloaded file to:


    18 hours ago, MJW said:


    Thanks. I downloaded, renamed it, then uploaded the renamed version. I hope it has the correct name now.  I have no idea why the filename was changed to that random string of letters.

    Thanks a lot guys

  5. On 11/30/2008 at 10:14 AM, MJW said:

    Here's a CodeLab plugin I wrote to average the color over a selection. I realize it's pretty simple, and could probably be done more efficiently, but it was useful to me, and may be useful to someone else.


    #region UICode
    // The sums may overflow if the selection contains more than 16 MB pixels.
    // The solution would be to use doubles for r, g, and b.
    private bool firstTime = true;
    private ColorBgra averageColor = new ColorBgra();
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
       PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);
       Rectangle selection = selectionRegion.GetBoundsInt();
       ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
       if (firstTime)
           uint r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, n = 0;
           firstTime = false;
           for (int y = selection.Top; y < selection.Bottom; y++)
               for (int x = selection.Left; x < selection.Right; x++)
                   if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y))
                       CurrentPixel = src[x, y];
                       b += CurrentPixel.B;
                       g += CurrentPixel.G;
                       r += CurrentPixel.R;
           if (n > 0)
               double recipN = 1.0 / (double)n;
               averageColor = ColorBgra.FromBgr((byte)(recipN * (double)b + 0.5),
                                       (byte)(recipN * (double)g + 0.5),
                                       (byte)(recipN * (double)r + 0.5));
       for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
           for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
                   averageColor.A = src[x, y].A;
                   dst[x, y] = averageColor;


    ---ADDED DEC 1, 2008---

    Here is a pre-built DLL. It's the same as the version in my first reply. It has an icon, and uses ulongs instead of uints to sum r, g, b, so there's no overflow problem with very large selections.

    AverageSelectionColor.zip 4.19 kB · 3,493 downloads

    ---ADDED NOV 20, 2009---

    Here is a new version (1.2), which I believe will behave correctly on multiple core systems. The old version could potentially give incorrect results due to a race condition between threads running on different cores. This is discussed in detail here. (I don't have a multiple-core system, so I wasn't able to test whether the fix achieved its purpose.) I also made another slight change. I renamed the effect "Average Color (RGB)" for two reasons. First, I thought the name "Average Color of Selection" was unnecessarily wordy; and second, Neil Cassidy has written a similar effect that works in HSL space called "Average Color (HSL)" so I thought it'd be nice to have parallel names.

    ---ADDED NOV 21, 2009---

    I realized there was a problem for multicore systems with the way I handled the alpha value. I fixed it, and downloaded the corrected version. Since the file had only been downloaded once, I decided not to change the version number, which is still 1.2.

    AverageSelectionColor1.2.zip 4.33 kB · 3,540 downloads

    Hey mate, is there an updated link for this as the download seems corrupt


    This is what downloads instead a8Kmx8d.png

    • Thanks 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Fixsel said:

    The best way to select all of a color is to use the magic wand tool, at the the top bar you can adjust tolerance, if tolerance is set to 0% it will only select that shade. If you want to select all of a color in an image hold shift while selecting that color. If you want to replace the color just press backspace once everything is selected.

    So would I be able to replace the individual colours with this method, or will this only apply to the whole image?

    Thanks a lot

  7. On 3/12/2022 at 6:10 AM, ardneh said:

    This was changing the color of the desired texture rather than

    applying the texture to the original colored texture.


    Make a selection of a sample of the original texture.
    Apply the AverageSelectionColor plugin effect.
    Repeat with a sample of the other new texture.
    With the Color Wheel expanded, use the Color Picker tool and note the RGB numbers of both average colors.


    Place a New Layer above the desired texture.
    Fill it with RGB 7, 2, 12.
    Set the Blend mode to Additive.



    You legend, thanks so much

  8. Hello everyone, I am very new to this forum and to paint.net in general, I have just discovered it and overall it is the best editing software I have used

    I am just wondering if it is possible to copy and paste only the surface texture of this file below 




    and paste it on top of this file below, without changing the colour of the below file, as I just don't like the  texture seen here and would prefer to have the texture from above, I hope that makes sense as my grammar isnt too good


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