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  1. Thanks for yout response ! The process you describe is what I did to produce the graphic you see in the picture What interests me is to; 1) find a way to keep your filter's window open while performing multiple strokes. 2) in the long run, assuming I attain competency in creating a plug-in, and can evaluate the feasibility of the idea, I'd like to run some kind of batch multi-stroke operation based on parameters I supply. I am an accomplished C# programmer. It may interest/amuse you to know I was one of the authors of Cricket Draw 1,1, and later, at Adobe, one of the authors of Illustrator 3.2, and 5.0, as well as one of a team of four who created the prototype for what became Acrobat. My specialty was PostScript. That was a long time ago, and, now, I'm just another old bum, retired, happily, in Thailand who designs rings as a kind of hobby=business, and who mentors other programmers on CodeProject cheers, Bill
  2. An example of what I'd like to do with multiple stroking: the number of repetitions of opening your Outline filter, setting stroke width and color, and stroking, undoing, trying again ... were enough to give my fingers cramps I say this not to criticize your excellent work, but, to illustrate what might be done. The yellow quartz gem is a bit-map; the octagonal frame over it drawn with a PN tool.
  3. Hi, Turns out it was Windows Firewall blocked your installer, not Emsisoft. Thanks for these very useful plug-ins ! Ideally. I'd like to be able to perform multiple strokes, in different widths and colors, on one selection; I will continue my study of Paint to see if there's a way to do that. Of course, I can select-copy-paste into new layer, resize, re-stroke with your Outline tool ... lack of ability to precisely control re-size is a limiting factor. fyi: I tried to send you a small donation today via PayPal, but, right now, I can't link to my savings account: PayPal is busy screwing all its users in Thailand with new rules ... probably forced to so by the government. cheers, Bill
  4. @toe_head2001 @Rick Brewster @taoyue I'm a newcomer to this forum, but a "veteran" C# programmer (ask to see my scars) I really appreciate this project, and the collective energy that has gone into it, and I look forward to studying how to create a plug-in. imho, Taoyue's plug-in that opens PhotoShop files is a hidden gem that deserves "front page banner heading stratus" ! I will notify Emsisoft of this "false positive," and submit the installer to them for analysis, but, I do think ... I hope ... my posting a report on it here. so the author, BoltBait, is aware of it is a socially constructive response. "Never ignore an error" is a credo I've learned to live by ... the hard way thanks, Bill Woodruff
  5. Win 10/64 I downloaded and installed your plug-in pack (as admin). Emsisoft quarantined the program: C:\Users\Win-Ten\Desktop\BoltBaitPack51\BoltBaitPackInstall51.exe detected: Behavior.TrojanDownloader thanks, Bill
  6. This is very valuable information. Adding a "scale" option to the UI under "Layers" would be useful. thanks, Bill
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