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  1. Hello all. Thank you for your input and sorry for late reply. I fell into the AI hole and I am lost now I asked ChatGPT to make me a Python code and create GUI that will split the png files in to individual objects and it worked. I now have script to split PNG layers. Not sure is it safe here to share the link, but I think googleing Split PNG Elements As Individual Layers will get you there if you need it. Loving the chatgpt
  2. I checked the post for that plugin but I must admit I have no clue what it is doing. I have 1000 of images that have to be split in to individual files per element, and elements are in different quantity and distribution on the image.
  3. Thank you. This one got my hopes up I was thinking the same logic could be used to have all the objects after magic wand selection is inverted from transparent could be saved as individual layers and exported.
  4. Hi, I am looking is there a plugin for PaintNET that is capable of splitting an PNG image with lots of smaller icons in to individual layers so they can be exported as individual PNGs? Something similar to this https://photoshopscripts.wordpress.com/2012/12/09/split-to-layers And if not, is it possible to achieve this in the PaintNet? Thank you.
  5. Thank you for the outline tool, helps me create stickers for my illustrations. Do you know is there any way to automate this so it creates white outline to all PNG images in folder? Thank you.
  6. Thank you, and sorry for going of the main topic paint net. I truly hoped it can be done inside because I love paintnet. Sorry for delay in reply, 5 in my daughters class were positive and my daughter was sick for weeks. Now she is better and I am back at work.
  7. @otuncelli sorry to bother you, but you did open a whole new universe to me with ImageMagick and now I am looking for ways to process these images in to SVG and once again people are mentioning ImageMagick and something called Potrace Batch auto trace black and white images . Do you know something about this program and can it be used to get SVG that look the same as PNG (white interior, transparent around). I tried all kinds of settings in Illustrator and it gives me either semi white, no white or extra block around. I installed Potrace but it opens as run window so i guess once again I need come code to un inside.
  8. Thank you. Everything worked great, now I can continue with my book. I also asked on illustrator forum how to Image trace all these photos so the interior stays white but outside is transparent and it seems that is not possible in batch, only manually. So I placed images in Powerpoint and use sharpen tool and the end result is good enough for printing.
  9. And just for reference, what you achieved in couple of lines this could not in 3 days of lines. Photoshop
  10. Thank you so MUCH!!! This is amazing. Can the same program be used to resize all images to 3000×3000px or something like that? I am making clipping mask in shape of animal over set of mandala files (first test was on cats). I need the input layers for masking all to be same dimensions. Resolution doesn't matter (pixelization due to stretch or enlargement) because after all this is done I will perform Image trace and turn all in to vector. Since it is all black and white image tracing works perfectly.
  11. It worked on some images but on images where white around is not connected, it did nothing. I think I need to enlarge images by px so the white BG is connected all around.
  12. 0 Create a desktop icon 0 Add application directory to your system path 0 Install FFmpeg 0 Associate supported file extensions with ImageMagick 0 Install legacy utilities (e.g. convert) 0 Install development headers and libraries for C and C++ 0 Install PeriMagick for Strawberry Perl v5.20 0 Install ImageMagickObject OLE Control for VBscript, Visual Basic, and WSH
  13. I installed it after clicking the link above but it opens something IMG display, no commands or anything. I go to folder of installation and click on magick.exe nothing happens.
  14. Will this action crop them also or just delete the white around it? I need them to be cropped.
  15. And how to set that when you click ctrl+N the resolution is 300 not 96?
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